:: Re: [Bricolabs] Even "The Powers Th…
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Autor: victoria sinclair
Data: 2012-04-02 19:33 -000
Dla: Bricolabs
Temat: Re: [Bricolabs] Even "The Powers That Be" are starting to Think Brico...
well it's great to see that some 'think' tanks appear to be serving
their assigned function.    perhaps this is from an increasing
awareness that may 'developed' states such as the UK don't have all
the answers and are missing some crucial points

either way, i agree that this sort of engagement is a good sign and
hope that it can assist some input into proactivity to prevent even
more stagnation in many of the western economies

would love to hear more of how this all pans out

and greetings to bricos from alter do chao near santarem in brasil.
conveniently there is now free wifi in the main square so a free day
can be spent working overlooking the lake and taking the occasional
swim where needed or buying cheap and healthy street food.

next stop Alta Mira to find out exactly what is going on with these
plans to build the Belo Monte dam in the Xingu river.   then a return
back here to talk to locals who have told us that there are also plans
to build a large hydro electric dam near here.     updates soon

by the way i dont think it has been mentioned yet properly, but the
first Technoshamanism convention is happening here in Brasil in
Visconde, Rio de Janeiro state 9th to 14th May and if any bricos would
like to join us in some telepresence intergalactic or telepathic
fashion please get in touch or send the appropriate signs via the

the only flights they can accommodate this inaugural year are the more
esoteric sorts...but please do join us however you can


2012/3/26, Patrice Riemens <patrice@???>:
>> Hey Bricos,
> ...
>> However, I still suggest that this sort of engagement is a very good
>> sign, and we may have more in common with a rapidly, (some would say
>> "desperately") reforming mainstream than many Bricos may be comfortable
>> with!
> Hear1 Hear!
> +
> LOL!
> cheerio, p+4D!
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Victoria Sinclair
Project Manager Generate Project and founder ArcSpace Manchester
Co-ordinator Hackademia festival www.hackademia.org.uk
Associate West Midlands Tomorrow
Alumni Asian-Europe Foundation 360degrees