Would be nice If we could get rid of some of the political correctness.
I remember returning to Denmark from Ukraine, and I thought: "Hey..
integration politics ? waiiit a minute!".
Because in Ukraine the game is simple: Survive and you stay. Die and get
fed to the worms.
I think the reason why integration is failing is simply because we have
a department for integration.
The reason we talk about racism all the time, is because we think racism
is something unnatural. well... Its NOT!
So.. the racist tree. It refers to the nazis. well.. they did a nice
job. Nothing compared to Stalins handywork though. And while we love to
refer to good old Adolf, we forget that in Scandinavia we were the front
runners when It came to the matter of dealing with "bad human material".
Sterializing handicapped and "slow people".
Todays "bad human material" are the fucking A-Raaaabs and Somalis.
Ohh..really ? Did I say something political wrong ?
Okay.. lets have a look at the timeline then.
The Golden Triangle! Slavetrade was VERY profitable. What ? you think
the trade stopped because we began feeling sorry for black people ?
haha.. yeah right.
Now we have been importing muslims. well.. not that difficult to import
really. They were born in a toilet, and since they had access to the
almighty television, they decided Europe was a great idea.
well.. so here they are, poor bastards. And in a small country like
Denmark, obviously the A-Raaabs have become a problem. Because we really
didnt expect that many. hmm.. I wonder... what did we expect ? That they
would come here, integrate over one generation and suddenly become
fucking Einsteins ?
wow... When you think about It, the slave trade was really a better deal :D
So.. bottom line. Old Adolf sort of stole the limelight. And we all know
how that party got shut down, so after the war we tried to shape a more
humanist national image here. I mean ... after WWII, It wasnt really the
time to clean out bad human material.
well.. I can speak for Denmark. Dont know about Holland or Germany.
well.. we all know about Germany, they have sort of become the good guys
now. Go figure.
But we are not willing to embrace other cultures. We are not ready. We
dont want our daughters to have sex with "muslim thrash". So... how far
will wishful thinking get us ? Okay.. Gandhi did a great job. But Gandhi
wasnt really a democrat was he ? And Boyko Borisov might be too macho
and "mutra" (the word for mafia, for those of you who never visited the
poor part of the blissful union) for the EU parliament. And that leaves
us with.... TALK TALK TALK !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lets just follow the example of Ukraine: 4 months stay. If you can do
your own, you are welcome. If not.. well .. then fuck off or die in the
gutter !!!
And to make It clear why I dont care about arab parasites or find their
cause important in any way, I will attach I photo I took while
documenting child prostitution in southern Bulgaria. Thats your EU. And
that includes EU politicians powerful enough to force Amnesty to shut up
when It comes to issues like organ business and child prostitution.
If you want something REALLY rotten, well... Brussels is the place to
look ;)
Remember: no matter where you go, there you are!
Den 15-03-2012 20:01, Jaromil skrev:
> On Sun, 11 Mar 2012, Patrice Riemens wrote:
>> Given the Eurocrats are what they are, what do you expect...?
> On the longer run, I expect us kids will stop playing under this tree.
> http://korova.dyne.org/racist_tree.jpg
> ciao