:: Re: [Bricolabs] Worshop in Colombia…
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著者: victoria sinclair
日付: 2012-03-11 20:20 -000
To: Bricolabs
題目: Re: [Bricolabs] Worshop in Colombia in june
Hey Paula, Bricos

thanks for the link. would love to go to the workshop, and indeed there
seem to be many on similar themes this year in Colombia but will be back in
europe then completing my urban permaculture qualification....hopefully a
springboard to lots more knowledge and practice! If they have anything
later in the year, if i get funding sorted i aim to be back in Colombia in

hope to connect then

also - totally unrelated. are you doing anything for labsurlab? i am just
talking to some of the Quito and Chile participants about doing
something...some streamed discussions and tying into the Earth Summit in
Brasil.... more thinking to be done but we are trying to see what topics we
could organise sessions on....


On Sun, Mar 11, 2012 at 2:08 PM, John Hopkins <jhopkins@???>wrote:

>> Building with stones and earth is pure ancestral bricolage.
> I love this idea Paula -- if I could, I would migrate southwards for the
> workshop, but alas, funding is not available! I have always dreamed of
> making a rammed-earth house here in the southern mountains of Colorado ...
> only a dream so far tho ;-|
> jh
> --
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++**++++++++++++++++++++
> John Hopkins
> Watching the Tao rather than watching the Dow!
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Victoria Sinclair
Project Manager Generate Project and founder ArcSpace Manchester
Co-ordinator Hackademia festival www.hackademia.org.uk
Associate West Midlands Tomorrow
Alumni Asian-Europe Foundation 360degrees