:: Re: [Bricolabs] IP / IoT House
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Autor: James Wallbank
Data: 2012-03-07 17:58 -000
Para: brico
Assunto: Re: [Bricolabs] IP / IoT House
Hello Rob,

This sounds like an excellent idea. We are currently booting up Refab
Space, and there will be lovely workshop facilities, as well as media
lab facilities, within a couple of months.

John Moseley, our fablab technician, is a whizz with energy harvesting -
he's already built devices which work with DEAD batteries - when they
are apparently out of energy they still have residual charge.

Maybe we should talk more about resourcing the event. If we have a
number of people traveling here, it would be best to get a bit of
resource to cover transport and some facilities costs etc. Have you
suggestions where this could come from?

Let's talk more about this off-list. And anyone listening - if you want
to finance a very cool "5 volt House" seminar, let us know!

Best regards,


On 06/03/12 15:53, Rob van Kranenburg wrote:
> Hello James,
> Shall we set up a quick and dirty seminar on this at Access Space?, May or
> June?
> 5volt
> energy harvesting
> powerscavenging
> ......
> I will try to peddle in :)
> Greetings, Rob
>> Hello Rob,
>> Of course, with the 5 volt house, you have a question of whether the
>> electricity needs to be a single system at all. We're used to the idea
>> of a house having a 220 volt ring main. But with distributed electricity
>> generation (solar trickle cells, flow turbines, sterling engines, ground
>> source heat pumps...) each room might have independent power - and its
>> own storage capacitors to retain the excess. would it even be necessary
>> to interconnect the rooms?
>> Wireless IoT communication could allow the house to be aware of its
>> located energy reserves. Perhaps your phone would be able to say "charge
>> me in the bedroom, not the study".
>> While this introduces all sorts of technical and practical challenges,
>> it could be interesting to think about - maybe in terms of more marginal
>> or precarious lifestyles than "Typical EU Residents". These sorts of
>> approach could be applicable to nomadic people.
>> Best Regards,
>> James
>> =====
>> On 06/03/12 11:34, Rob van Kranenburg wrote:
>>> Hi James,
>>> Brilliant!
>>> The 5volt plan will live next to your zerodollar laptop, how feasible is
>>> this? Where could we start?
>>> Could milkymist.org be a base for open source home appliances like
>>> oswash.org?
>>> Greetings, Rob
>>>> (1)We should remain critical while we investigate.
>>>> (2) Perhaps a better way to examine a "slice" of IoT would be not a
>>> physical location, but a "day in the life" of IoT.
>>>> (3) I have a suggestion for the IoT House - how about abandoning 220
>>>> volt (or 110 volt) electricity supply altogether and replace all power
>>>> outlets with 5 volt USB outlets in the walls?
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