:: Re: [Bricolabs] retry now for Virtu…
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Emne: Re: [Bricolabs] retry now for Virtueel Platform

Jaromil, this is great stuff. And living in the NL I was aware of the R & D lab at NiMK. I had no idea it was not in reports. Would it be an idea to have this listed somewhere on the bricolabs website under something like 'resources'? Just a suggestion.
ciao, Sonja

Sonja van Kerkhoff
ART: sonjavank.com DESIGN: sonjavank.com/design
VIDEOS: youtube.com/sonjavank VIDEOS: vimeo.com/sonjavank
ART BLOG: sonjavank.blogspot.com ART + MEDIA BLOG: sonjavank.wordpress.com BAHA'I Related BLOG: justabahai.wordpress.com

> Date: Sun, 4 Mar 2012 16:01:23 +0100
> From: jaromil@???
> To: brico@???
> Subject: Re: [Bricolabs] retry now for Virtueel Platform
> On Sun, 04 Mar 2012, Rob van Kranenburg wrote:
> >
> > but if others think differently and want to prepare something?
> oh! sure! please note that the
> Internet Jargon's term IMHO stands for "In My Humble Opinion"
> > or/and you want to list your views on VP so we play that back to them?
> for instance completely excluding Montevideo/NIMk's Artlab R&D from
> the e-culture sector report as soon as the funding cuts hit the shores
> in NL?
> speaking for myself and the people involved in it around, i think we
> did achieve quite something in the field of "e-culture" in 6 years of
> part-time employement at less than 15EUR an hour.
> shouldn't that be at least part of a mention for sector activities?
> personally deluded, until I get a clear signal of respect, I'm looking
> for other peoeple to play with, rather than participating to this
> farce.
> > salut from ghent ( very very faint hint of spring in the air! :)
> yep!!! right on
> and here below an abstract of 6 years activities I've been actively
> involved, I'm working on my own and rather autonomous 6 years long
> publication in detail, since everyone else seems to completely
> overlook and willingly exclude these activities from the radars.
> lucky me there is free speech...
>                     Montevideo/NIMk R&D - 5 years
>                     =============================

> Author: Denis Roio aka Jaromil
> Date: 2005 - 2011
> Table of Contents
> =================
> 1 2011
>     1.1 Sync starter
>     1.2 Education
>     1.3 Presentation
> 2 2010
>     2.1 Sync Starter
>     2.2 Education
> 3 2009
>     3.1 Sync Starter
>     3.2 Vilém Flusser Theory Award
>     3.3 Media Policy
>     3.4 FreeJ - Vision Mixer
>     3.5 Workshops
> 4 2008
>     4.1 Sync Starter
>     4.2 Media Creativity
>     4.3 Asia-Pacific
>     4.4 Bricolabs
> 5 2007
>     5.1 Media Creativity
>     5.2 Bricolabs
>     5.3 Digital Rights
> 6 2006
> 7 2005

> 1 2011
> -------
> 1.1 Sync starter
> =================
> The development of the HD video syncstarter software [HDSync] progressed
> during the year until reaching its BETA stage, while the existence of
> this software has attracted international attention to our modest
> research and development department. Meanwhile, the already
> consolidated code base of the SD video syncstarter software [IvySync]
> has proven itself useful in various occasions.
> HDSync has been used in various installations within the Netherlands:
> it kept being used to distribute "Heliocentric" by Semiconductor,
> while also independently deployed by the staff of BAK Utrecht for the
> video installation "Route 3" by David Kelley and Patty Chang. Outside
> of the Netherlands HDSync has been adopted by the staff of the New
> York State museum to run the installation "Reflecting on September 11,
> 2001", as well by artist Jeff Campbell for his impressive 37 channel
> "Ambarella" video wall installation shown at CES 2012 in Las Vegas.
> The IvySync software has been again succesfully adopted for the
> restoration of the video artwork "Mill x Molen" (Bert Schutter, 1982)
> displayed in the STRP festival under the technical overview of Ivo van
> Stiphout. Also the video artwork "Whale" by Jacco Olivier will be
> shown on the walls of the Muziekgebouw aan 't Ij using a three
> channel syncstarter based on IvySync.
> As the end of NIMk activities approximates in consequence of cultural
> funding cuts, HDSync's lead developer Denis Roio is offered to cease
> the part-time working contract binding his activity to the
> institute. Nevertheless the success of our syncstarter and the fact it
> is licensed as free and open source software will motivate its
> continued maintainance by the enthusiastic community forming around
> it.
> We like to think of the survival of this project under these
> conditions as an ideal continuation of Montevideo's mission: the
> tradition of syncstarter development was started by Rene Coelho about
> 30 years ago in Amsterdam, such an internationally renown activity
> should not disappear as a mere consequence of recent changes in
> funding policy.
> A new website was setup for the users and developers community to
> document and coordinate the progress on syncstarter development in the
> coming years, reachable at [syncstarter.org].
> [HDSync]: http://syncstarter.org/hdsync
> [IvySync]: http://syncstarter.org/ivysync
> [syncstarter.org]: http://syncstarter.org
> 1.2 Education
> ==============
> During the whole 2011 the R&D department has continued its succesful
> cooperation with the education department, resulting in workshops that
> have been attracting the attention of local artists and practitioners
> in the fields of media art.
> A series of workshops for an adult audience has taken place with a
> regular pace under the name of [PiXXXeL], it functioned on the basis of
> voluntary donations by participants and has seen the presentation free
> and open source projects by their own creators, among the others: [JMX]
> by Andrea Guzzo and Igor Sutton, [Veejay-NG] by Niels Elburg, [Bitcoin] by
> co-developer Amir Taaki and [Milkymist] by Sébastien Bourdeauducq.
> Another workshop was realized for high-school students of the
> Montessori Lyceum in Amsterdam, concomitant to the exhibition "The Art
> of Hacking" and thanks to the support of Amsterdams Fonds voor de
> Kunst. The workshop named "Re/Think Re/Design" was lead by Jaromil
> with the participation of Fransje de Waard (Tuinen van Overvloed,
> 1996). Structured around the notion of interdisciplinary studies, this
> workshop focused on the relationship between design approaches for
> complex systems, be them software, urban environments or gardens. The
> outcome of the "[Re/Think Re/Design]" workshop has been documented in
> detail as well presented in the conference "Always Already New 2011 /
> Deep Involvement of Education" held in Milano and organized by members
> of the Planetary Collegium.
> [PiXXXeL]: http://www.pixxxel.net
> [JMX]: http://jmxapp.org
> [Veejay-NG]: http://www.veejayhq.net/
> [Bitcoin]: http://bitcoin.it
> [Milkymist]: http://milkymist.org
> [Re/Think Re/Design]: http://nimk.nl/nl/rethink-redesign-workshop-report
> 1.3 Presentation
> =================
> Within the framework of "The Art of Hacking" exhibition the R&D
> department also contributed to organize a panel discussion on the
> "[Ethics of Hacking]", an actual topic considering the recent visibility
> of the Wikileaks project, the privacy implications of most anti-piracy
> campaigns and the fact that many well known characters that have
> inspired the European "hacker scene" in the past 20 years live in the
> Netherlands.
> The panel discussion has seen the participation of Rop Gonggrijp,
> Karin Spaink, Patrice Riemens and Heath Bunting, moderated by Cecile
> Landman and Jaromil. The whole evening was streamed live and its
> recording is of imminent publication in 2012.
> [Ethics of Hacking]: http://nimk.nl/eng/ethical-hacking
> 2 2010
> -------
> 2.1 Sync Starter
> =================
> Our [free and open source syncstarter software] for SD video (IvySync)
> has been regularly used for artworks without the need of further
> development: we adopted it for the distribution of a new artwork, the
> 4 channel installation Nashi II by Daya Cahen, while it has
> demonstrated good stability for its deployement by Esther Polak in the
> exhibition of Nomadic Milk in Nigeria.
> The development of sync-starter open source technologies has therefore
> advanced in the field of high definition video (HD), adopting as an
> hardware platform devices commonly found on the consumer market and as
> a software the community developed WDLXTV homebrew firmware. The
> result is a new software in its alpha stage of development called
> [HDSync] which has rapidly gained popularity, confirming the
> pioneeristic position of NIMk's Artlab in the Open Source R&D
> international panorama. The first in-house deployement of the HD
> sync-starter software took place for two channel artworks not
> requiring frame precise sync: "Heliocentric" by Semiconductor and
> Rites of Passage by Julika Rudelius.
> [free and open source syncstarter software]: http://nimk.nl/syncstarter
> [HDSync]: http://freshmeat.net/projects/hdsync
> 2.2 Education
> ==============
> During this year the participation of Artlab R&D in organizing and
> conducting educational events has increased if compared to the last
> years. We have been involved in the organization of three public
> workshop on different actual topics, directly involving local
> developers: [RepRap and MakerBot 3d] explained by Jaap Vermaas, [Video Mapping] explained by nunswithguns VJ and Jakob Hronek and at last a
> workshop on [new open source software to manipulate audio video] with
> Niels Elburg and the VJX developers. This activity has became somehow
> more regular, taking the name of [PiXXXeL workshops and presentations],
> which are planned to continue with regular montly intervals during the
> next year.
> A lecture on software creativity was also contributed for the yearly
> edition of the René Coelho prize, providing master students with an
> overview of methods and horizons of design that follow open source
> approaches.
> [RepRap and MakerBot 3d]: http://nimk.nl/eng/calendar/makerbot-3d-printing-workshop-by-jaap-vermaas
> [Video Mapping]: http://nimk.nl/eng/calendar/workshop-video-mapping
> [new open source software to manipulate audio video]: http://nimk.nl/nl/agenda/pixxxel-workshop
> [PiXXXeL workshops and presentations]: http://pixxxel.net
> 3 2009
> -------
> 3.1 Sync Starter
> =================
> Our free and open source syncstarter software [IvySync] to synchronise
> the playback of artworks with multiple video channels has been
> deployed during the year to the full extent of its features.
> For the artwork "7 frames" by Tim Rutten the recent functionality of
> network sync let us run up to 7 video channels using just 2 computers
> in an exhibion at the Huis voor de Kunsten in Roermond.
> The historical artwork "Mill x Molen" by Bert Schutter (1982) has also
> made use of Ivysync in its restoration for the exhibition [Imago Revisited] (Instituut Collectie Nederland and NIMk).
> *Ad-hoc installations of IvySync* have been also produced on specific
> machine setups, to be operated outside of our institute by other
> artists and laboratories: one is now in the possession of to the
> *Sandberg Institute* to be employed in video installations made by its
> students, while another is owned by *Esther Polak* (also artist in
> residence at NIMk in 2009) and deployed for her installation "Nomadic
> Milk".
> [IvySync]: http://nimk.nl/syncstarter
> [Imago Revisited]: http://nimk.nl/imago-revisited
> 3.2 Vilém Flusser Theory Award
> ===============================
> In order to reflect the increasing significance of theoretical and
> critical practice works submitted for the transmediale Award
> competition, the Transmediale Berlin has introduced the Vilém Flusser
> Theory Award. In collaboration with the Vilém Flusser Archive at the
> Universität der Künste Berlin, dedicated to the complete works of the
> influential visionary and media philosopher, the award honors
> outstanding theoretical or research-based digital arts practice.
> The international jury of the Vilém Flusser Theory Award selected
> Jaromil (NIMk R&D) as one of the awardwinners of this year, together
> with the American writer Brian Holmes.
> The jury statement recites:
>   "Originally trained as a linguist, Denis Rojo (Jaromil) is an
>    artist, theorist and programmer who is currently based in
>    Amsterdam.  He is working as a researcher at the Netherlands Media
>    Art Institute.  Through his support for the development and
>    distribution of free and open software, he tries to overcome
>    existing restrictions and borders, whether economic, social or
>    scientific.  Taking an alternative stance to 'profit and power'
>    oriented apparatuses, he is strongly engaged in building networks
>    as a means of sharing tools—choosing to view knowledge as a
>    dialogical and non-hierarchical process.  By channelling personal
>    insights into collaborative action, he shows a deep understanding
>    for the problems of our time and possible solutions."

> During this year Jaromil has given lectures in art academies in
> Germany and Austria.
> 3.3 Media Policy
> =================
> Considering the growing influence that free and open source software
> practices have in contemporary discourses dealing with economy,
> philosophy and ethics, we've been invited to contribute to various
> theoretical discourses during this year.
> In these regards we've contributed to the first writing of the [Free Culture Forum] charter in Barcelona and shortly after that we've been
> called to participate to a panel on digital creativity for the
> conference [TOPOLOGÍA, INNOVACIÓN Y POLÍTICA CULTURAL] held at the art
> centre Santa Monica, part of the international symposium [ATACD] titled
> "Changing Cultures, Cultures of Change".
> At last, as part of the [Internet of Things Council] we've moderated the
> "Tools for Mediation" workshop in Brussels, a [LIFT @ Home event] hosted
> by [IMAL] (Center for Digital Culture and Technology), gathering a
> visible participation of various European experts, professionals and
> government operators.
> [Free Culture Forum]: http://fcforum.net
> [TOPOLOGÍA, INNOVACIÓN Y POLÍTICA CULTURAL]: http://www.ypsite.net/proyecto.php?id=20
> [ATACD]: http://www.atacd.net
> [Internet of Things Council]: http://www.theinternetofthings.eu
> [LIFT @ Home event]: http://www.theinternetofthings.eu/content/council-launches-brussel-blogs-reports-and-videoclips
> [IMAL]: http://www.imal.org/
> 3.4 FreeJ - Vision Mixer
> =========================
> Thanks to the kind support of [Digitale Pioniers] and in collaboration
> with [dyne.org], the development of the free and open source software
> [FreeJ] has seen a lot of progress. The participation of various
> international experts during a period of 6 months lead to the
> realisation of a flexible tool for Vjing performances and on-line
> video streaming, that now can also be used as a library for the
> development of more applications or for the setup of interactive
> installations using the simple and well known javascript language.
> FreeJ is available as a free application (GNU General Public License
> version 3) ready to install on Apple/OSX and GNU/Linux operating
> systems, its sourcecode has been reviewed for its quality and is
> distributed by Linux distributions as [Debian], Ubuntu, Fedora, Gentoo
> and Arch Linux.
> [http://www.digitalepioniers.nl/projecten/Freej-Vision-Mixer/146]
> Onder een open licentie worden deze video's verstrekt zodat iedereen
> ze naar behoeven kan gebruiken en aanpassen. Verder is Freej Vision
> Mixer een programma waarmee je video's realtime kunt manipuleren.
> FreeJ Vision Mixer voorziet gebruikers en producenten van:
> Gereedschappen voor on-line, on-site en mobile TV producties en
> uitzendingen met programmeerbare lijsten en integratie met upload
> schema's en groepen.
> Een efficiënte javascript-gebaseerd virtual machine voor applicaties
> die het gebruik van video en interacties door gebruikers
> impliceert. Een ontwikkelingsplatform voor veejaying applicaties, die
> niet alleen vaststaande interactie-patronen aanbiedt maar die ook een
> makkelijk aan te passen is en de mogelijkheid geeft om nieuwe
> producten en formats te ontwikkelen alsmede VJ interfaces. Een
> platform om grafische interfaces op bestaande platforms te
> implementeren. Een 100% open-source alternatief voor Flash op het web.
> Op de langere termijn een FreeJ voorziet gebruikers en producers van:
> Gereedschappen voor on-line, on-site en mobile TV producties en
> uitzendingen met programmeerbare lijsten en naadloze integratie met
> upload schema's en groepen. Een efficiënte javascript-gebaseerd
> virtual machine voor applicaties die het gebruik van video en
> interacties door gebruikers impliceert. Een platform om grafische
> interfaces op bestaande platforms te implementeren. Een 100%
> open-source alternatieve voor Flash op het web Op de langere termijn
> een tijd-gerelateerde (in plaats van pagina-gerelateerde) web browsing
> client voor video-inhoud op het web.
> Van belang voor het project is dat naast een web-portal van waaruit
> publicatie plaatsvindt, de functionaliteit van FreeJ op de server ter
> beschikking komt voor de productie van video, al dan niet real
> time. FreeJ is een zeer geavanceerd VeeJay programma wat door dyne.org
> ontwikkeld is.
> [Digitale Pioniers]: http://www.digitalepioniers.nl/projecten/Freej-Vision-Mixer/146
> [dyne.org]: http://dyne.org
> [FreeJ]: http://nimk.nl/nl/freej-vision-mixer
> [Debian]: http://packages.qa.debian.org/f/freej.html
> 3.5 Workshops
> ==============
> Workshops for video manipulation, production and veejaying have been
> run in various occasions employing our free and open source software
> [FreeJ], now also available for Apple OSX as well included in Debian and
> Ubuntu GNU/Linux distributions.
> In collaboration with Kennisland we've held a short series of
> workshops for the [Celluloid Remix] festival and the International
> Amsterdam Film Festival, as well for the Museum Nacht at NIMk. We have
> also presented and performed our free software productions at the [Tag Tool] "Think Tank" event held in Tulln (Austria) and in the [JAHtari / Rastasoft] evening program at WORM Rotterdam, in collaboration with
> [moddr].
> [FreeJ]: http://www.digitalepioniers.nl/projecten/Freej-Vision-Mixer/146
> [Celluloid Remix]: http://www.ccaa.nl/page/24978/nl
> [Tag Tool]: http://www.tagtool.org/wp/2009/03/18/tagtool-think-tank-09/
> [JAHtari / Rastasoft]: http://moddr.net/jahtari-rastasoft-and-slug/
> [moddr]: http://moddr.net
> 4 2008
> -------
> 4.1 Sync Starter
> =================
> Our free and open source software [IvySync] used to synchronise multiple
> digital video channels reached a new stage of development with **network
> based sync-starting**: we passed the limit of 4 channels by
> synchronising different computers on the same local network, up to a
> virtually unlimited amount of channels.
> Research and development on network synchronisation lasted the whole
> year and lead to a public implementation (IvySync release 0.5). For
> the future our research will focus on sync started playback of high
> definition video formats (HD), also taking advantage of this
> achievement on network synchronisation.
> [IvySync]: video_syncstarter.html
> 4.2 Media Creativity
> =====================
> Several seminars were held on free software and hardware manipulation
> for media production, as well on philosophical issues characterising
> the rise of [GNU] economies, often accompanied by a screening program of
> video art distributed by NIMK. Among them is [Below Sea Level], hosted
> in April by the Contemporary Image Collective in Cairo, and the
> [Free Society Conference and Nordic Summit] hosted by the IT-University
> in Gothenburg.
> Also in occasion of the [GOGBOT] festival in Enschede we presented a new
> lecture about "**Cyber-punk**" focusing on how the aesthetics of this
> cultural current are manifest in various video productions during the
> last 3 decades.
> At last, during the past 3 months of the year, a longer course was
> held as "thematic project" for the Media Design MA class in the Piet
> Zwart Institute, on the [Art, Theory & Techniques of Free Software],
> involving both the first and second year classes.
> [GNU]: http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/philosophy.html
> [Below Sea Level]: http://cairo-belowsealevel.blogspot.com/
> [Free Society Conference and Nordic Summit]: http://fscons.org/2008/
> [GOGBOT]: http://2008.gogbot.nl/
> [Art, Theory & Techniques of Free Software]: http://jaromil.dyne.org/journal/free_software_ATT.html
> 4.3 Asia-Pacific
> =================
> This  year  has  seen  us  also fervently  engaged  in  activities  in
> south-east     Asia,     starting     in    Singapore     with     the
> [mini-summit  on  New Media  Art  Policy  &  Practice] hosted  by  [ASEF],
> followed  by our  contribution  to [ISEA2008]  about "nomadic  operating
> system" design and participation to the [Luminous Green Workshop].

> We conducted a  research and provided support for  a range of cultural
> initiatives  in Indonesia, among  them the  [Transmission Asian-Pacific]
> video-activist  camp   organised  by  [Ruangrupa]   and  [EngageMedia]  in
> Sukabumi. Workshops on  free software and new media  were held for the
> [Cellsbutton02]     media    art     festival    organised     by    the
> [House of Natural  Fiber] in various schools in  Yogyakarta, as well for
> the [YPKP] Foundation in Jakarta.

> Back in Amsterdam we co-organised with Waag Society and YPKP the
> evening [Reconciliatie met rechtvaardigheit - de Kudeta en nu], offering
> to the public a [brief overview] on the progressive role of the
> Indonesian Population adopting new media and Internet to establish
> democracy in the country.
> [mini-summit on New Media Art Policy & Practice]: http://singaporeagenda.wordpress.com/workgroup-3/
> [ASEF]: http://www.asef.org
> [ISEA2008]: http://www.isea2008singapore.org/
> [Luminous Green Workshop]: http://fo.am/luminous_green_2008
> [Transmission Asian-Pacific]: http://transmission.cc/txap
> [Ruangrupa]: http://ruangrupa.org
> [EngageMedia]: http://engagemedia.org
> [Cellsbutton02]: http://www.natural-fiber.com/index.php/cellsbutton02
> [House of Natural Fiber]: http://www.natural-fiber.com
> [YPKP]: http://www.wirantaprawira.de/ypkp/sulami.htm
> [Reconciliatie met rechtvaardigheit - de Kudeta en nu]: http://www.nettime.org/Lists-Archives/nettime-nl-0809/msg00064.html
> [brief overview]: http://jaromil.dyne.org/journal/warnet_indonesia.html
> 4.4 Bricolabs
> ==============
> Especially this year the activity of our small yet active research and
> development department benefited from collaborations established via
> the [Bricolabs] trans-local network, hosting a public mailing-list for
> discussion that has seen a [blossoming growth] and active exchanges.
> A theoretical inquiry on "**Ambient Intelligence**" was lead this year by
> Rob van Kranenburg, also including our contribution: the notebook
> [The Internet of Things] has been published by the **Institute of Network
> Cultures**, available on-line for free.
> [Bricolabs]: http://bricolabs.net
> [blossoming growth]: http://lists.dyne.org/stats/brico.html
> [The Internet of Things]: http://networkcultures.org/wpmu/portal/publications/network-notebooks/the-internet-of-things/
> 5 2007
> -------
> 5.1 Media Creativity
> =====================
> Our contribution to Free and Open Source development of tools for
> media creativity is progressing and has achieved an international
> outstanding position. Workshops on software and hardware manipulation
> for media production have been held in [Tesla] (Berlin), [Kozavisual]
> (Ankara), [i4d filmfestival] (Kuala Lumpur) and [Video Vortex]
> (Amsterdam). A generic presentation of our activities was also held
> at the [Global Knowledge] third conference.
> [Tesla]: http://www.tesla-berlin.de/
> [Kozavisual]: http://www.kozavisual.org/
> [i4d filmfestival]: http://www.i4donline.net/filmfestival/
> [Video Vortex]: http://www.networkcultures.org/videovortex/
> [Global Knowledge]: http://www.gkpeventsonthefuture.org/
> 5.2 Bricolabs
> ==============
> The  [Bricolabs] project  was  started as  a  development framework  for
> [Generic Infrastructures], in collaboration with a wide network of media
> labs  across  the  world,  in  the context  of  countries  as  Brasil,
> Indonesia and of course  the Netherlands.  Core organisations involved
> are  [Metareciclagem], [dyne.org],  [goto10] and  [HiveNetworks].   During the
> year        workshops       were        held        in       festivals
> [Pixelache  / Democracy  : Do  It Yourself]  (Paris, Main  D'Oevres) and
> [Enter_  Unknown Territories]  (Cambridge, Downing  College).  Bricolabs
> was     selected    as     a    breakthrough     project     by    the
> [Holland Open Software Conference].

> [Bricolabs]: http://www.bricolabs.net/
> [Generic Infrastructures]: http://genericinfrastructures.com/
> [Metareciclagem]: http://www.metareciclagem.org/
> [dyne.org]: http://www.dyne.org
> [goto10]: http://www.goto10.org
> [HiveNetworks]: http://hivenetworks.net/
> [Pixelache / Democracy : Do It Yourself]: http://www.pixelache.ac/2007/democracy-diy
> [Enter_ Unknown Territories]: http://www.enternet.org.uk/enternet/
> [Holland Open Software Conference]: http://www.hosc.nl/index.jsp?nr=6823
> 5.3 Digital Rights
> ===================
> A lecture about Piracy and Privacy, focusing on the progressive
> intrusion of digital anti-piracy campaigns into the privacy of
> citizens in Europe and worldwide, has been held by Jaromil at the
> [Goodbye Privacy] symposium of the Ars Electronica Festival (Linz) and
> at the Black Market symposium of the [Steirischer Herbst] Festival
> (Graz). A collection of acts from the first symposium is available
> on [thenextlayer.org].
> [Goodbye Privacy]: http://www.aec.at/en/festival2007/theme.asp
> [Steirischer Herbst]: http://www.steirischerherbst.at/2007/english/
> [thenextlayer.org]: http://thenextlayer.org/GoodbyePrivacy
> 6 2006
> -------
> During 2006 the development of the open source digital video
> sync-starter software [IvySync] continued achieving new features. The
> interactive installation "*Jardin Secret*" by Lydia Schouten has been
> implemented with an ad-hoc customisation of the software, opening the
> way for sensor controlled setups.
> Thanks to a new remote control feature (XMLRPC) the software can now
> interact with Montevideo's web catalogue, as it has been employed also
> for single-channel video playback in Montevideo's Mediateek, playing
> back on-demand local streams from the video server as outlined in the
> [Video Streaming on LAN] research.
> IvySync was employed in more locations for the exhibition of multiple
> channel video artworks by Julika Rudelius (*Montevideo, De Balie,
> "Eastern Neighbours" in Babel Utrecht*), Calin Dan, Magnus Monfeldt,
> Broersen & Lukacs (*Stedelijk Museum 's-Hertogenbosch*).
> Besides its direct adoption in Montevideo, the software started being
> freely employed by researchers in media labs and video art musea,
> within the terms of the GNU General Public License: while it isn't
> possible to keep exact track of this dissemination, we had notice from
> the Glasgow School of Art (Ben Dembroski) and the Bergen Center for
> Electronic Arts, plus more researchers and artists in the Netherlands
> experimenting with it.
> As   a  research   publication   the  [Wide   Area  Network   Streaming]
> documentation has been written, completed with encoding benchmarks and
> published  in   the  "Competence   Network  for  Media   Design"  book
> ([ISBN  3-9502013-2-7])  as a  collaboration  with  the Austrian  FHplus
> program     run     by     Universities    of     Applied     Sciences
> Vorarlberg/St.Poelten/Salzburg.

> [IvySync]: video_syncstarter.html
> [Video Streaming on LAN]: video_streaming_on_lan.html
> [Wide Area Network Streaming]: video-streaming-on-wan.html
> [ISBN 3-9502013-2-7]: http://www.registeredcommons.org/view/167/0/8087
> 7 2005
> -------
> During the year 2005 development of the digital video syncstarter has
> been completed: it gave birth to a new open source software named
> [IvySync], which was released publicly with a demonstration at the
> [Piksel] conference in Bergen (NO), attracting attention from both
> artistic and scientific communities.
> Our video sync-starter software has been employed in various video
> installation works by Erwin Olaf (*Montevideo, Museum nacht*) and Peter
> Bogers (*Rotterdam, Schouwburg plein*) among the others, as well shipped
> for distribution of multi-channel video installations in Portugal,
> Hungary and Austria.
> [IvySync]: video_syncstarter.html
> [Piksel]: http://piksel.no
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