:: Re: [Bricolabs] retry now for Virtu…
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Autor: Jaromil
Data: 2012-03-04 16:17 -000
Dla: Bricolabs startup mailinglist
Nowe tematy: [Bricolabs] call out | Art & Hacktivism & Art & Freedom
Temat: Re: [Bricolabs] retry now for Virtueel Platform
On Sun, 04 Mar 2012, Patrice Riemens wrote:

> > and there are more rather offensive things about VP's conduct.
> VP is a closed shop shop created to avoid various 'new media
> initiatives' going at each other's throats in the fight for
> subsidies. Then it started believing it could be an culture
> organisation of its own right. Not smart.

Nah, I'd rather call them unethical or incompetent, but definitely
smart! judging from the volume of funding, the sector-wide occupation
of territory, the fine-tuned alliances and well designed materials...
Bronac was there a couple of times, so she might report more reasons
why they are very smart, or more reasons why I'm being a PITA now.

Meanwhile knowing all this EU funding that went into "mapping" so far,
I'm wondering what we do with all those maps?! And BTW, the coolest
places are never marked on the map, this is an historical fact in
carthography, as well a wordgame for explorers :) I can think of some
unknown paradises that were destroyed by being mapped hey...

whatever, this is a provocation now. but anyway, how does that works
from the point of view of ethics of labour? you get paid to map, then
ask people to work for you for free by providing data for your maps
and you even do it with worrying deadlines over a weekend, just to
stress them out to the point they can't realize getting ripped off?

oh good old lazy sunday polemics.
I'm so much looking forward to my unemployement! ;^)
