:: Re: [Bricolabs] retry now for Virtu…
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Auteur: Jaromil
À: Bricolabs startup mailinglist
Sujet: Re: [Bricolabs] retry now for Virtueel Platform
On Sun, 04 Mar 2012, Rob van Kranenburg wrote:
> but if others think differently and want to prepare something?

oh! sure! please note that the
Internet Jargon's term IMHO stands for "In My Humble Opinion"

> or/and you want to list your views on VP so we play that back to them?

for instance completely excluding Montevideo/NIMk's Artlab R&D from
the e-culture sector report as soon as the funding cuts hit the shores
in NL?

speaking for myself and the people involved in it around, i think we
did achieve quite something in the field of "e-culture" in 6 years of
part-time employement at less than 15EUR an hour.

shouldn't that be at least part of a mention for sector activities?

personally deluded, until I get a clear signal of respect, I'm looking
for other peoeple to play with, rather than participating to this

> salut from ghent ( very very faint hint of spring in the air! :)

yep!!! right on

and here below an abstract of 6 years activities I've been actively
involved, I'm working on my own and rather autonomous 6 years long
publication in detail, since everyone else seems to completely
overlook and willingly exclude these activities from the radars.
lucky me there is free speech...

                    Montevideo/NIMk R&D - 5 years

Author: Denis Roio aka Jaromil
Date: 2005 - 2011

Table of Contents
1 2011
    1.1 Sync starter
    1.2 Education
    1.3 Presentation
2 2010
    2.1 Sync Starter
    2.2 Education
3 2009
    3.1 Sync Starter
    3.2 Vilém Flusser Theory Award
    3.3 Media Policy
    3.4 FreeJ - Vision Mixer
    3.5 Workshops
4 2008
    4.1 Sync Starter
    4.2 Media Creativity
    4.3 Asia-Pacific
    4.4 Bricolabs
5 2007
    5.1 Media Creativity
    5.2 Bricolabs
    5.3 Digital Rights
6 2006
7 2005

1 2011

1.1 Sync starter

The development of the HD video syncstarter software [HDSync] progressed
during the year until reaching its BETA stage, while the existence of
this software has attracted international attention to our modest
research and development department. Meanwhile, the already
consolidated code base of the SD video syncstarter software [IvySync]
has proven itself useful in various occasions.

HDSync has been used in various installations within the Netherlands:
it kept being used to distribute "Heliocentric" by Semiconductor,
while also independently deployed by the staff of BAK Utrecht for the
video installation "Route 3" by David Kelley and Patty Chang. Outside
of the Netherlands HDSync has been adopted by the staff of the New
York State museum to run the installation "Reflecting on September 11,
2001", as well by artist Jeff Campbell for his impressive 37 channel
"Ambarella" video wall installation shown at CES 2012 in Las Vegas.

The IvySync software has been again succesfully adopted for the
restoration of the video artwork "Mill x Molen" (Bert Schutter, 1982)
displayed in the STRP festival under the technical overview of Ivo van
Stiphout. Also the video artwork "Whale" by Jacco Olivier will be
shown on the walls of the Muziekgebouw aan 't Ij using a three
channel syncstarter based on IvySync.

As the end of NIMk activities approximates in consequence of cultural
funding cuts, HDSync's lead developer Denis Roio is offered to cease
the part-time working contract binding his activity to the
institute. Nevertheless the success of our syncstarter and the fact it
is licensed as free and open source software will motivate its
continued maintainance by the enthusiastic community forming around

We like to think of the survival of this project under these
conditions as an ideal continuation of Montevideo's mission: the
tradition of syncstarter development was started by Rene Coelho about
30 years ago in Amsterdam, such an internationally renown activity
should not disappear as a mere consequence of recent changes in
funding policy.

A new website was setup for the users and developers community to
document and coordinate the progress on syncstarter development in the
coming years, reachable at [syncstarter.org].

[HDSync]: http://syncstarter.org/hdsync
[IvySync]: http://syncstarter.org/ivysync
[syncstarter.org]: http://syncstarter.org

1.2 Education

During the whole 2011 the R&D department has continued its succesful
cooperation with the education department, resulting in workshops that
have been attracting the attention of local artists and practitioners
in the fields of media art.

A series of workshops for an adult audience has taken place with a
regular pace under the name of [PiXXXeL], it functioned on the basis of
voluntary donations by participants and has seen the presentation free
and open source projects by their own creators, among the others: [JMX]
by Andrea Guzzo and Igor Sutton, [Veejay-NG] by Niels Elburg, [Bitcoin] by
co-developer Amir Taaki and [Milkymist] by Sébastien Bourdeauducq.

Another workshop was realized for high-school students of the
Montessori Lyceum in Amsterdam, concomitant to the exhibition "The Art
of Hacking" and thanks to the support of Amsterdams Fonds voor de
Kunst. The workshop named "Re/Think Re/Design" was lead by Jaromil
with the participation of Fransje de Waard (Tuinen van Overvloed,
1996). Structured around the notion of interdisciplinary studies, this
workshop focused on the relationship between design approaches for
complex systems, be them software, urban environments or gardens. The
outcome of the "[Re/Think Re/Design]" workshop has been documented in
detail as well presented in the conference "Always Already New 2011 /
Deep Involvement of Education" held in Milano and organized by members
of the Planetary Collegium.

[PiXXXeL]: http://www.pixxxel.net
[JMX]: http://jmxapp.org
[Veejay-NG]: http://www.veejayhq.net/
[Bitcoin]: http://bitcoin.it
[Milkymist]: http://milkymist.org
[Re/Think Re/Design]: http://nimk.nl/nl/rethink-redesign-workshop-report

1.3 Presentation

Within the framework of "The Art of Hacking" exhibition the R&D
department also contributed to organize a panel discussion on the
"[Ethics of Hacking]", an actual topic considering the recent visibility
of the Wikileaks project, the privacy implications of most anti-piracy
campaigns and the fact that many well known characters that have
inspired the European "hacker scene" in the past 20 years live in the

The panel discussion has seen the participation of Rop Gonggrijp,
Karin Spaink, Patrice Riemens and Heath Bunting, moderated by Cecile
Landman and Jaromil. The whole evening was streamed live and its
recording is of imminent publication in 2012.

[Ethics of Hacking]: http://nimk.nl/eng/ethical-hacking

2 2010

2.1 Sync Starter

Our [free and open source syncstarter software] for SD video (IvySync)
has been regularly used for artworks without the need of further
development: we adopted it for the distribution of a new artwork, the
4 channel installation Nashi II by Daya Cahen, while it has
demonstrated good stability for its deployement by Esther Polak in the
exhibition of Nomadic Milk in Nigeria.

The development of sync-starter open source technologies has therefore
advanced in the field of high definition video (HD), adopting as an
hardware platform devices commonly found on the consumer market and as
a software the community developed WDLXTV homebrew firmware. The
result is a new software in its alpha stage of development called
[HDSync] which has rapidly gained popularity, confirming the
pioneeristic position of NIMk's Artlab in the Open Source R&D
international panorama. The first in-house deployement of the HD
sync-starter software took place for two channel artworks not
requiring frame precise sync: "Heliocentric" by Semiconductor and
Rites of Passage by Julika Rudelius.

[free and open source syncstarter software]: http://nimk.nl/syncstarter
[HDSync]: http://freshmeat.net/projects/hdsync

2.2 Education

During this year the participation of Artlab R&D in organizing and
conducting educational events has increased if compared to the last
years. We have been involved in the organization of three public
workshop on different actual topics, directly involving local
developers: [RepRap and MakerBot 3d] explained by Jaap Vermaas, [Video Mapping] explained by nunswithguns VJ and Jakob Hronek and at last a
workshop on [new open source software to manipulate audio video] with
Niels Elburg and the VJX developers. This activity has became somehow
more regular, taking the name of [PiXXXeL workshops and presentations],
which are planned to continue with regular montly intervals during the
next year.

A lecture on software creativity was also contributed for the yearly
edition of the René Coelho prize, providing master students with an
overview of methods and horizons of design that follow open source

[RepRap and MakerBot 3d]: http://nimk.nl/eng/calendar/makerbot-3d-printing-workshop-by-jaap-vermaas
[Video Mapping]: http://nimk.nl/eng/calendar/workshop-video-mapping
[new open source software to manipulate audio video]: http://nimk.nl/nl/agenda/pixxxel-workshop
[PiXXXeL workshops and presentations]: http://pixxxel.net

3 2009

3.1 Sync Starter

Our free and open source syncstarter software [IvySync] to synchronise
the playback of artworks with multiple video channels has been
deployed during the year to the full extent of its features.

For the artwork "7 frames" by Tim Rutten the recent functionality of
network sync let us run up to 7 video channels using just 2 computers
in an exhibion at the Huis voor de Kunsten in Roermond.

The historical artwork "Mill x Molen" by Bert Schutter (1982) has also
made use of Ivysync in its restoration for the exhibition [Imago Revisited] (Instituut Collectie Nederland and NIMk).

*Ad-hoc installations of IvySync* have been also produced on specific
machine setups, to be operated outside of our institute by other
artists and laboratories: one is now in the possession of to the
*Sandberg Institute* to be employed in video installations made by its
students, while another is owned by *Esther Polak* (also artist in
residence at NIMk in 2009) and deployed for her installation "Nomadic

[IvySync]: http://nimk.nl/syncstarter
[Imago Revisited]: http://nimk.nl/imago-revisited

3.2 Vilém Flusser Theory Award

In order to reflect the increasing significance of theoretical and
critical practice works submitted for the transmediale Award
competition, the Transmediale Berlin has introduced the Vilém Flusser
Theory Award. In collaboration with the Vilém Flusser Archive at the
Universität der Künste Berlin, dedicated to the complete works of the
influential visionary and media philosopher, the award honors
outstanding theoretical or research-based digital arts practice.

The international jury of the Vilém Flusser Theory Award selected
Jaromil (NIMk R&D) as one of the awardwinners of this year, together
with the American writer Brian Holmes.

The jury statement recites:

"Originally trained as a linguist, Denis Rojo (Jaromil) is an
artist, theorist and programmer who is currently based in
Amsterdam. He is working as a researcher at the Netherlands Media
Art Institute. Through his support for the development and
distribution of free and open software, he tries to overcome
existing restrictions and borders, whether economic, social or
scientific. Taking an alternative stance to 'profit and power'
oriented apparatuses, he is strongly engaged in building networks
as a means of sharing tools—choosing to view knowledge as a
dialogical and non-hierarchical process. By channelling personal
insights into collaborative action, he shows a deep understanding
for the problems of our time and possible solutions."

During this year Jaromil has given lectures in art academies in
Germany and Austria.

3.3 Media Policy

Considering the growing influence that free and open source software
practices have in contemporary discourses dealing with economy,
philosophy and ethics, we've been invited to contribute to various
theoretical discourses during this year.

In these regards we've contributed to the first writing of the [Free Culture Forum] charter in Barcelona and shortly after that we've been
called to participate to a panel on digital creativity for the
centre Santa Monica, part of the international symposium [ATACD] titled
"Changing Cultures, Cultures of Change".

At last, as part of the [Internet of Things Council] we've moderated the
"Tools for Mediation" workshop in Brussels, a [LIFT @ Home event] hosted
by [IMAL] (Center for Digital Culture and Technology), gathering a
visible participation of various European experts, professionals and
government operators.

[Free Culture Forum]: http://fcforum.net
[TOPOLOGÍA, INNOVACIÓN Y POLÍTICA CULTURAL]: http://www.ypsite.net/proyecto.php?id=20
[ATACD]: http://www.atacd.net
[Internet of Things Council]: http://www.theinternetofthings.eu
[LIFT @ Home event]: http://www.theinternetofthings.eu/content/council-launches-brussel-blogs-reports-and-videoclips
[IMAL]: http://www.imal.org/

3.4 FreeJ - Vision Mixer

Thanks to the kind support of [Digitale Pioniers] and in collaboration
with [dyne.org], the development of the free and open source software
[FreeJ] has seen a lot of progress. The participation of various
international experts during a period of 6 months lead to the
realisation of a flexible tool for Vjing performances and on-line
video streaming, that now can also be used as a library for the
development of more applications or for the setup of interactive
installations using the simple and well known javascript language.

FreeJ is available as a free application (GNU General Public License
version 3) ready to install on Apple/OSX and GNU/Linux operating
systems, its sourcecode has been reviewed for its quality and is
distributed by Linux distributions as [Debian], Ubuntu, Fedora, Gentoo
and Arch Linux.


Onder een open licentie worden deze video's verstrekt zodat iedereen
ze naar behoeven kan gebruiken en aanpassen. Verder is Freej Vision
Mixer een programma waarmee je video's realtime kunt manipuleren.

FreeJ Vision Mixer voorziet gebruikers en producenten van:
Gereedschappen voor on-line, on-site en mobile TV producties en
uitzendingen met programmeerbare lijsten en integratie met upload
schema's en groepen.

Een efficiënte javascript-gebaseerd virtual machine voor applicaties
die het gebruik van video en interacties door gebruikers
impliceert. Een ontwikkelingsplatform voor veejaying applicaties, die
niet alleen vaststaande interactie-patronen aanbiedt maar die ook een
makkelijk aan te passen is en de mogelijkheid geeft om nieuwe
producten en formats te ontwikkelen alsmede VJ interfaces. Een
platform om grafische interfaces op bestaande platforms te
implementeren. Een 100% open-source alternatief voor Flash op het web.

Op de langere termijn een FreeJ voorziet gebruikers en producers van:
Gereedschappen voor on-line, on-site en mobile TV producties en
uitzendingen met programmeerbare lijsten en naadloze integratie met
upload schema's en groepen. Een efficiënte javascript-gebaseerd
virtual machine voor applicaties die het gebruik van video en
interacties door gebruikers impliceert. Een platform om grafische
interfaces op bestaande platforms te implementeren. Een 100%
open-source alternatieve voor Flash op het web Op de langere termijn
een tijd-gerelateerde (in plaats van pagina-gerelateerde) web browsing
client voor video-inhoud op het web.

Van belang voor het project is dat naast een web-portal van waaruit
publicatie plaatsvindt, de functionaliteit van FreeJ op de server ter
beschikking komt voor de productie van video, al dan niet real
time. FreeJ is een zeer geavanceerd VeeJay programma wat door dyne.org
ontwikkeld is.

[Digitale Pioniers]: http://www.digitalepioniers.nl/projecten/Freej-Vision-Mixer/146
[dyne.org]: http://dyne.org
[FreeJ]: http://nimk.nl/nl/freej-vision-mixer
[Debian]: http://packages.qa.debian.org/f/freej.html

3.5 Workshops

Workshops for video manipulation, production and veejaying have been
run in various occasions employing our free and open source software
[FreeJ], now also available for Apple OSX as well included in Debian and
Ubuntu GNU/Linux distributions.

In collaboration with Kennisland we've held a short series of
workshops for the [Celluloid Remix] festival and the International
Amsterdam Film Festival, as well for the Museum Nacht at NIMk. We have
also presented and performed our free software productions at the [Tag Tool] "Think Tank" event held in Tulln (Austria) and in the [JAHtari / Rastasoft] evening program at WORM Rotterdam, in collaboration with

[FreeJ]: http://www.digitalepioniers.nl/projecten/Freej-Vision-Mixer/146
[Celluloid Remix]: http://www.ccaa.nl/page/24978/nl
[Tag Tool]: http://www.tagtool.org/wp/2009/03/18/tagtool-think-tank-09/
[JAHtari / Rastasoft]: http://moddr.net/jahtari-rastasoft-and-slug/
[moddr]: http://moddr.net

4 2008

4.1 Sync Starter

Our free and open source software [IvySync] used to synchronise multiple
digital video channels reached a new stage of development with **network
based sync-starting**: we passed the limit of 4 channels by
synchronising different computers on the same local network, up to a
virtually unlimited amount of channels.

Research and development on network synchronisation lasted the whole
year and lead to a public implementation (IvySync release 0.5). For
the future our research will focus on sync started playback of high
definition video formats (HD), also taking advantage of this
achievement on network synchronisation.

[IvySync]: video_syncstarter.html

4.2 Media Creativity

Several seminars were held on free software and hardware manipulation
for media production, as well on philosophical issues characterising
the rise of [GNU] economies, often accompanied by a screening program of
video art distributed by NIMK. Among them is [Below Sea Level], hosted
in April by the Contemporary Image Collective in Cairo, and the
[Free Society Conference and Nordic Summit] hosted by the IT-University
in Gothenburg.

Also in occasion of the [GOGBOT] festival in Enschede we presented a new
lecture about "**Cyber-punk**" focusing on how the aesthetics of this
cultural current are manifest in various video productions during the
last 3 decades.

At last, during the past 3 months of the year, a longer course was
held as "thematic project" for the Media Design MA class in the Piet
Zwart Institute, on the [Art, Theory & Techniques of Free Software],
involving both the first and second year classes.

[GNU]: http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/philosophy.html
[Below Sea Level]: http://cairo-belowsealevel.blogspot.com/
[Free Society Conference and Nordic Summit]: http://fscons.org/2008/
[GOGBOT]: http://2008.gogbot.nl/
[Art, Theory & Techniques of Free Software]: http://jaromil.dyne.org/journal/free_software_ATT.html

4.3 Asia-Pacific

This  year  has  seen  us  also fervently  engaged  in  activities  in
south-east     Asia,     starting     in    Singapore     with     the
[mini-summit  on  New Media  Art  Policy  &  Practice] hosted  by  [ASEF],
followed  by our  contribution  to [ISEA2008]  about "nomadic  operating
system" design and participation to the [Luminous Green Workshop].

We conducted a  research and provided support for  a range of cultural
initiatives  in Indonesia, among  them the  [Transmission Asian-Pacific]
video-activist  camp   organised  by  [Ruangrupa]   and  [EngageMedia]  in
Sukabumi. Workshops on  free software and new media  were held for the
[Cellsbutton02]     media    art     festival    organised     by    the
[House of Natural  Fiber] in various schools in  Yogyakarta, as well for
the [YPKP] Foundation in Jakarta.

Back in Amsterdam we co-organised with Waag Society and YPKP the
evening [Reconciliatie met rechtvaardigheit - de Kudeta en nu], offering
to the public a [brief overview] on the progressive role of the
Indonesian Population adopting new media and Internet to establish
democracy in the country.

[mini-summit on New Media Art Policy & Practice]: http://singaporeagenda.wordpress.com/workgroup-3/
[ASEF]: http://www.asef.org
[ISEA2008]: http://www.isea2008singapore.org/
[Luminous Green Workshop]: http://fo.am/luminous_green_2008
[Transmission Asian-Pacific]: http://transmission.cc/txap
[Ruangrupa]: http://ruangrupa.org
[EngageMedia]: http://engagemedia.org
[Cellsbutton02]: http://www.natural-fiber.com/index.php/cellsbutton02
[House of Natural Fiber]: http://www.natural-fiber.com
[YPKP]: http://www.wirantaprawira.de/ypkp/sulami.htm
[Reconciliatie met rechtvaardigheit - de Kudeta en nu]: http://www.nettime.org/Lists-Archives/nettime-nl-0809/msg00064.html
[brief overview]: http://jaromil.dyne.org/journal/warnet_indonesia.html

4.4 Bricolabs

Especially this year the activity of our small yet active research and
development department benefited from collaborations established via
the [Bricolabs] trans-local network, hosting a public mailing-list for
discussion that has seen a [blossoming growth] and active exchanges.

A theoretical inquiry on "**Ambient Intelligence**" was lead this year by
Rob van Kranenburg, also including our contribution: the notebook
[The Internet of Things] has been published by the **Institute of Network
Cultures**, available on-line for free.

[Bricolabs]: http://bricolabs.net
[blossoming growth]: http://lists.dyne.org/stats/brico.html
[The Internet of Things]: http://networkcultures.org/wpmu/portal/publications/network-notebooks/the-internet-of-things/

5 2007

5.1 Media Creativity

Our contribution to Free and Open Source development of tools for
media creativity is progressing and has achieved an international
outstanding position. Workshops on software and hardware manipulation
for media production have been held in [Tesla] (Berlin), [Kozavisual]
(Ankara), [i4d filmfestival] (Kuala Lumpur) and [Video Vortex]
(Amsterdam). A generic presentation of our activities was also held
at the [Global Knowledge] third conference.

[Tesla]: http://www.tesla-berlin.de/
[Kozavisual]: http://www.kozavisual.org/
[i4d filmfestival]: http://www.i4donline.net/filmfestival/
[Video Vortex]: http://www.networkcultures.org/videovortex/
[Global Knowledge]: http://www.gkpeventsonthefuture.org/

5.2 Bricolabs

The  [Bricolabs] project  was  started as  a  development framework  for
[Generic Infrastructures], in collaboration with a wide network of media
labs  across  the  world,  in  the context  of  countries  as  Brasil,
Indonesia and of course  the Netherlands.  Core organisations involved
are  [Metareciclagem], [dyne.org],  [goto10] and  [HiveNetworks].   During the
year        workshops       were        held        in       festivals
[Pixelache  / Democracy  : Do  It Yourself]  (Paris, Main  D'Oevres) and
[Enter_  Unknown Territories]  (Cambridge, Downing  College).  Bricolabs
was     selected    as     a    breakthrough     project     by    the
[Holland Open Software Conference].

[Bricolabs]: http://www.bricolabs.net/
[Generic Infrastructures]: http://genericinfrastructures.com/
[Metareciclagem]: http://www.metareciclagem.org/
[dyne.org]: http://www.dyne.org
[goto10]: http://www.goto10.org
[HiveNetworks]: http://hivenetworks.net/
[Pixelache / Democracy : Do It Yourself]: http://www.pixelache.ac/2007/democracy-diy
[Enter_ Unknown Territories]: http://www.enternet.org.uk/enternet/
[Holland Open Software Conference]: http://www.hosc.nl/index.jsp?nr=6823

5.3 Digital Rights

A lecture about Piracy and Privacy, focusing on the progressive
intrusion of digital anti-piracy campaigns into the privacy of
citizens in Europe and worldwide, has been held by Jaromil at the
[Goodbye Privacy] symposium of the Ars Electronica Festival (Linz) and
at the Black Market symposium of the [Steirischer Herbst] Festival
(Graz). A collection of acts from the first symposium is available
on [thenextlayer.org].

[Goodbye Privacy]: http://www.aec.at/en/festival2007/theme.asp
[Steirischer Herbst]: http://www.steirischerherbst.at/2007/english/
[thenextlayer.org]: http://thenextlayer.org/GoodbyePrivacy

6 2006

During 2006 the development of the open source digital video
sync-starter software [IvySync] continued achieving new features. The
interactive installation "*Jardin Secret*" by Lydia Schouten has been
implemented with an ad-hoc customisation of the software, opening the
way for sensor controlled setups.

Thanks to a new remote control feature (XMLRPC) the software can now
interact with Montevideo's web catalogue, as it has been employed also
for single-channel video playback in Montevideo's Mediateek, playing
back on-demand local streams from the video server as outlined in the
[Video Streaming on LAN] research.

IvySync was employed in more locations for the exhibition of multiple
channel video artworks by Julika Rudelius (*Montevideo, De Balie,
"Eastern Neighbours" in Babel Utrecht*), Calin Dan, Magnus Monfeldt,
Broersen & Lukacs (*Stedelijk Museum 's-Hertogenbosch*).

Besides its direct adoption in Montevideo, the software started being
freely employed by researchers in media labs and video art musea,
within the terms of the GNU General Public License: while it isn't
possible to keep exact track of this dissemination, we had notice from
the Glasgow School of Art (Ben Dembroski) and the Bergen Center for
Electronic Arts, plus more researchers and artists in the Netherlands
experimenting with it.

As   a  research   publication   the  [Wide   Area  Network   Streaming]
documentation has been written, completed with encoding benchmarks and
published  in   the  "Competence   Network  for  Media   Design"  book
([ISBN  3-9502013-2-7])  as a  collaboration  with  the Austrian  FHplus
program     run     by     Universities    of     Applied     Sciences

[IvySync]: video_syncstarter.html
[Video Streaming on LAN]: video_streaming_on_lan.html
[Wide Area Network Streaming]: video-streaming-on-wan.html
[ISBN 3-9502013-2-7]: http://www.registeredcommons.org/view/167/0/8087

7 2005

During the year 2005 development of the digital video syncstarter has
been completed: it gave birth to a new open source software named
[IvySync], which was released publicly with a demonstration at the
[Piksel] conference in Bergen (NO), attracting attention from both
artistic and scientific communities.

Our video sync-starter software has been employed in various video
installation works by Erwin Olaf (*Montevideo, Museum nacht*) and Peter
Bogers (*Rotterdam, Schouwburg plein*) among the others, as well shipped
for distribution of multi-channel video installations in Portugal,
Hungary and Austria.

[IvySync]: video_syncstarter.html
[Piksel]: http://piksel.no