:: Re: [Frei0r] new year, new list and…
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Auteur: Dan Dennedy
Date: 2012-01-18 18:04 -000
À: Minimalistic plugin API for video effects
Sujet: Re: [Frei0r] new year, new list and soon new release
On Wed, Jan 18, 2012 at 10:17 AM, Jaromil <jaromil@???> wrote:
> After some months of silence on this list, also due to my criticism of
> the way Piksel so far lacked to host this project, I've been censored
> by the art-director of the festival and rendered unable to write to
> the any of the piksel mailinglists, including frei0r-devel. Before
> reacting, I've choosed to wait patiently and see if this unilateral
> action taken by Gisle would be followed by his own involvement to make
> this project grow, but in fact nothing happened. I'm kind of surprised
> given the fact so many freedom lovers involved in piksel had no
> reaction whatsoever in front of such censorship. However, I'll save
> you my personal feelings from now on.

Very nice to hear from you Jaromil. I admit that I was shocked by what
transpired - from both sides really. Gisle said he would only moderate
you, and I was kinda waiting for your reaction and to see if you would
send notice off-list about any unfair moderation. I felt stuck in this
grey zone of claims and counter-claims and not really sure what to do.

> With Frei0r we had a new release almost ready and I'm still willing to
> facilitate its realization, many thanks to the great contributions of

I really appreciate you as the project and release manager. I second a
motion to move this project away from piksel. I am glad you decided to
not simply walk away. I like how you chose anti-SOPA day to make this
stand for frei0r. :o)

> people here, which IMHO deserve to be valued more than such
> polemics. So I'll stop refraining this story here, sorry for taking so
> long already, and provide hosting this (unmoderated) discussion list.
> Another communication regarding frei0r, important for all the
> developers with GIT write access:
> 1) the SSH fingerprint of the code.dyne.org server has changed,
>   possibly noticing you with a warning on the console at the next
>   connection. This is normal, there is no DNS SPOOF happening.  The
>   new GIT repository IP is (hosted in NL) and its SSH
>   fingerprint is: 1b:17:3c:f9:08:cb:70:ed:98:a3:28:05:11:fc:16:01.
> 2) the normal SSH connection port will also be available, making the
>   change needed in your .ssh/config obsolete (Port 2222). However,
>   for backward compatibility the port 2222 will still be open so you
>   won't have to change it right away...
> 3) web access to the GIT activity is available on
>   http://code.dyne.org/frei0r
> 4) if we think also an issue tracker is needed, I can look into making
>   one, or maybe someone here has a space to offer...

At one point, you suggested us to consider using github. I am all for
that now. Of course, you can keep as much as you want at dyne.org, but
might be nice to use github for managing merges and issue tracking.

> Thanks for your patient involvement
> ciao
> --
> jaromil,  dyne.org developer,  http://jaromil.dyne.org
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> Frei0r mailing list - http://frei0r.dyne.org
> Free video plugins, minimal and cross-platform.
> http://mailinglists.dyne.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/frei0r