:: Re: [Bricolabs] Fwd: a question for…
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Szerző: victoria sinclair
Dátum: 2012-01-14 01:32 -000
Címzett: Bricolabs startup mailinglist
Tárgy: Re: [Bricolabs] Fwd: a question for brico list
hey all

just a quick response to fabi's email to say that there are some
offlist discussions and plans in respect of these transborder
relations, networks, softwares, 'real' and 'imagined' creations....and
soon vanessa and i will send something. Just got to Bogota after
bring Taganga with V for a bit and a longer epistle follows soon now
that i am connected again for a bit...

many musings, including those along the technoshaman trajectory to follow...


On 1/5/12, fabi borges <catadores@???> wrote:
> hei, I want to say one thing more about this cross transborder network
> it is about desire and challenge and programs (three things)
> It have to work together -
> It don't seems to me just like a web platform - but something
> we could create (imaginary)
> well, you are right, make the platform - but it needs personal implication
> (the world is very big, - I am a bit drunk - but still - ...)
> What could we create together, and cross all this fucking borders?
> I was just drinking with all this homeless and one of them
> was full of little grenades in his hands, and exploded one by one, and
> the police came, the noise was in other place... 15 years in the prison
> one, seven other,
> so I started to talk about PCC -
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Primeiro_Comando_da_Capital
> something like this kind of organization I was thinking for bricolabs, not
> revolution, but a strong crossborder idea!
> kisses to everyone,
> fabi
> 2012/1/2 Ian <vern@???>
>> Hi
>> > AFAIK we can open a bricolabs organization repository on github, better
>> than a "person" but somewhat hidden. see http://github.com/Dyne
>> Not sure I understand - the repo is already in the bricolabs organization
>> https://github.com/Bricolabs
>> Regards
>> --
>> http://ianlawrence.info
>> _______________________________________________
>> Brico mailing list
>> Brico@???
>> http://lists.dyne.org/mailman/listinfo/brico
> --
> cAsSaNdRas
> http://cassandras.multiply.com
> http://catadores.wordpress.com
> http://www.youtube.com/user/catadores
> http://picasaweb.google.com.br/catadores
> http://estudiolivre.org/el-user.php?view_user=fabiborges

Victoria Sinclair
Project Manager Generate Project and founder ArcSpace
Co-ordinator Hackademia festival www.hackademia.org.uk