:: Re: [Bricolabs] Rolling Stones Ital…
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Autor: Jaromil
To: Bricolabs startup mailinglist
Betreff: Re: [Bricolabs] Rolling Stones Italia

hi Giuseppe,

On Mon, 17 Oct 2011, Giuseppe Cocco wrote:
>    The journalist saw something different ?!
>    <<... Di quello che ho visto nel disastro di piazza San Giovanni
>    mi rimane anche l’incognita sull’oscura strategia della polizia,
>    come l’incursione a duecento all’ora dei blindati fra i
>    manifestanti, oppure quella mezzora di gincana in via Manuele
>    Filiberto in cui le camionette giravano su se stesse davanti al
>    ristorante Pastarito ...>>

For a clue to understand them better, I think the police strategy
today is simply following what was outlined by Francesco Cossiga
already in the 70s and refrained in his last intervention, before he
finally died, just to remind the fascists in power how their job
should be done. in October 2008 addressing the demonstrations in
Rome's university La Sapienza, he literally said:

"Maroni should do exactly what I did when I was minister for
Internal Affairs. In the first place, he should just leave the high
school students alone, because, just think what would happen if a
youngster were to be killed or seriously injured... Leave them be
(the university students - Ed). Pull the Police forces off the
streets and out of the University, then send in some “agents
provocateurs” to infiltrate the movement, people that are up for
anything and leave the demonstrators for about ten days or so to
ravage the shops, set fire to vehicles and lay waste to the
cities. Then, having gained the support of the public, the sound of
the ambulance sirens must drown out the sirens of the Police and
Carabinieri vehicles. This is because the forces of law and order
should not show any pity whatsoever and should send the lot of them
to hospital. Don’t arrest them, after all, the judges would
immediately allow them back onto the streets. Rather, you must beat
them and also beat up those lecturers that are spurring the
students on. The lecturers above all. I’m not saying the elderly
ones, certainly, but the little girl teachers yes... this is the
recipe for democracy: put out the flames before the fire takes over