:: [dyne:bolic] Cannot play video
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Autore: Son Dang Van
To: dynebolic
Oggetto: [dyne:bolic] Cannot play video
Dear Freej member

I use freej version 0.11
$ freej -version
[*] Initializing the FreeJ engine
[*] Using memory-to-memory copy method : glibc memcpy()
[*] Initializing JavaScript-C 1.8.0 pre-release 1 2007-10-03
. javascript parser initialized
. FFmpeg initialized all codec and format
[*] freej version 0.11.0 free the veejay
. 2001-2009 RASTASOFT :: http://freej.dyne.org
. ----------------------------------------------

But I cannot play video by this version. with following error:

FPS set to 25.000000
creating layer for file /media/Data/Server/3/nobody_1.mp4
Layer* Context::open(char*, int, int)
is a movie layer
(new_instance) Looking for MovieLayer::ffmpeg
Looking for MovieLayer::ffmpeg in instantiators_map (7)
id ffmpeg found
Creating Layer -- VideoLayer
Layer::Layer() this=0x9c8fa40
FPS set to 25.000000
initialized VID layer 0x0
initialized VID layer with dynamic size
FPS set to 25.000000
VideoLayer :: file opened with success
VideoLayer :: stream info found
VideoLayer :: frame_rate den: 30
VideoLayer :: frame_rate num: 1
FPS set to 15.000000
nobody_1.mp4 (codec: h264) has resolution 320x240 and framerate 15.000000
VideoLayer :: audio id=1
VideoLayer :: audio stream (codec: aac) has 2 channels at samplerate 22050
VideoLayer :: w[320] h[240] size[307200]
VideoLayer :: frame_rate[15.000000]
VideoLayer :: play_speed: 1431655765
create_layer successful, returns 0x9c8fa40
virtual bool ViewPort::add_layer(Layer*)
blit for layer VID set to SDL
crop on layer VID x0 y0 w320 h240 for blit SDL
blit SDL set for layer VID
layer VID added to screen SDL
FPS set to 25.000000

use arrows to move selection, press ctrl-h for help with hotkeys
Segmentation fault

I attach video file. Please explain for me and how to fix this bug
