Skribent: transformat Dato: 2011-09-27 18:05 -000 Til: dynebolic mailinglist Emne: Re: [dyne:bolic] how to customize the application menu?
gnome :(
xfce,lxde :)
> re all,
> an open question, hope someone has an answer: as Guy noticed in a
> previous mail, since we switched to Gnome the menu became quite
> unusable. The Video section for instance is too big and more in
> general the way it is organized is worst than what we had before in
> dyne:bolic before.
> i've looked into .desktop files organization and realized that in
> Gnome 2 and "thanks" to the freedesktop standard, we are not free to
> customize the organization of the desktop menu... absurd!
> am i wrong here, or does somoene knows the solution to this riddle?
> are we forced to change panel? should we modify / fork the Gnome
> panel?! is there already someone doing that??
> ciao
> --
> jaromil, developer, > GPG: B2D9 9376 BFB2 60B7 601F 5B62 F6D3 FBD9 C2B6 8E39
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