:: Re: [dyne:bolic] NEW Release: dyne:…
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Autor: v0x
Fecha: 2011-09-09 20:12 -000
A: dynebolic mailinglist
Temas antiguos: [dyne:bolic] NEW Release: dyne:bolic 3.0.0 codename MUNIR
Asunto: Re: [dyne:bolic] NEW Release: dyne:bolic 3.0.0 codename MUNIR + Spanish translation in process
ya yo!! god shit! chido! dale!

Comenzé ya la traducción de este annunciazio y si quieres apoyar a
terminarla, metele mano al texto,, http://piratepad.net/dynebolic3Esp
cuando esté listo el texto lo distribuimos entonces ampliamente

I started the spanish translation for this annunciazio so, if you can help
don't ask for permissions :) http://piratepad.net/dynebolic3Esp
when the text is done, it will be send it here to spread around

On Thu, 8 Sep 2011 18:19:20 +0200
Jaromil <jaromil@???> :

> annunciazio'! annunciazio'!
> dyne.org free software foundry proudly presents to you the beginning
> of a new development campaign - the dyne:III operating system!