著者: a5' 日付: To: dynebolic 題目: [dyne:bolic] guitar tuner?
D:B uses the old
slackware tgz packages. If you can get one for your app & transfer it
with removable media you can install it from a terminal with the
installpkg insert_packagename.tgz
If you get a deb package
or an rpm you could try converting it with the command
alien -t
to make a slackware package first.
fmit is
also a good tuner - though these days my fx unit has one built in so I
tend to just use that. MP3's of the string pitches is a good distro
agnostic way to go, if your ears are up to it. I agree tuning is
important - If you don't tune for that 1st take you are in trouble trying
to tune the others to it.
hope this helps
That is helpful and informative, I will try the slackware route, if I get
the opportunity... although won't I have to manually download
For what its worth the intention was to offer a suggestion for the new
dynebolic because I find it frustrating that its the only thing it doesn't