:: Re: [dyne:bolic] Contribution/Updat…
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Skribent: Tino Engel
Dato: 2010-11-13 00:05 -000
Til: dynebolic
Emne: Re: [dyne:bolic] Contribution/Updates

First: A lot of thanks for the helpfull input.
I was playing around a little bit, and I am cofused now. Can please
someone enlighten me.

The instructions for creating a dyne III image are freaking me out.
1. Take any live iso (preferably debian based)
2. extract it
3. maybe install some packages
4. create a new iso

Yay that works for me, as expected (well kind works, the kernel boots
but hangs after the crypto fs init). May I shouldnt have taken the 64bit
puredyne iso. Next time I'll head for i386.

But, I do not get it where the development is going on. Package
selections, Artwork, Patches, ...
Nothing, I havent even found a scm or something.

Well maybe I am looking at it the wrong way, I am really not a distri
guy and have been some years away to freebsd...

So help me, then I will help to with dyne III.
Just one prerequisite for me:

Am 12.11.2010 22:27, schrieb 0v:
> and....don't forget to stay tune with the team
> http://lab.dyne.org/DyneIII
> http://lab.dyne.org/DynebolicTeam
> saludos a la gran bandota :)
> Tyler Leavitt wrote:
>> I think Jaromil (original/current developer) and the other devs are focusing
>> on some software at the moment and when Debian 6 comes out they are basing
>> dyne III off of that.
>> Not sure what help they need or if there is anything at this point that can
>> be done since they are waiting.
>> Maybe one of them will answer =)
>> Tyler
>> On Fri, Nov 12, 2010 at 8:54 AM, Venugopal AK<akvenugopal@???> wrote:
>>> Dyne:bolic is lagging far behind other distros. May be lack of funds is
>>> the main reason. A wealthy sponsor like Mark Shuttleworth can change the
>>> fortune. But in Linux land every thing has a place and every place is
>>> properly occupied by somebody !
>>> Regards
>>> VG
> - --
>   . . . . . .
>     [_\/_]
>   0xBFFA4391

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