:: Re: [dyne:bolic] Dyne:bolic 3.0
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Συντάκτης: T M
Ημερομηνία: 2009-05-02 13:51 -000
Προς: dynebolic mailinglist
Αντικείμενο: Re: [dyne:bolic] Dyne:bolic 3.0
Well, I also still love dyne, but can't use it at this moment. New laptop
with some videodriver/card issues. But loved the distro cause of it's
additional manual with info. I don't know any distro which comes with a
manual with info so you can start fun things right away. Even if you have no
internet connection. I would love to see dyne packed with the latest
versions of free software which has helped me do my stuff. And although I
use another distro now I always walk with a dyne cd in case. Their or many
other things which I like about dyne but those or known things, folder copy
install, programs with a proper setting like ardour, speedy. looking forward
in having it running on my thinkbook.


On Fri, May 1, 2009 at 11:09 AM, Vladimir Lemus <
vladimirpunk@???> wrote:

> Now that we are talking (I haven't said too much, but at least I feel like
> part of a community) about dyne:bolic 3.x, I would like to know if it will
> maintain the Jaromil's recycling idea. Four months ago a friend gave me his
> old computer (128 Mb RAM, 10 Gb hard disk, and more almost obsolete
> hardware), inmediately I used dyne:bolic 2.5.2, and since then its is
> working perfectly, almost as new.
> I'd love to upgrade my dyne, but I don't have enough money to upgrade my
> PC. Is it possible to have an entirely new distribution that woks perfect in
> old and new PC's?
> Thanks to everyone, I will try to help in more things because I belive
> that dyne:bolic is a work that deserves a lot of attention. See you soon.
> Saludos desde México
> Vladimir
> --
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