:: Re: [dyne:bolic] how to install dyn…
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Autor: Juan Federico Martinez
Data: 2009-04-02 18:29 -000
Para: dynebolic mailinglist
Assunto: Re: [dyne:bolic] how to install dyne:bolic on o PC were CD in unavailable | como iniciar dyne:bolic desde una pc sin CD-ROOM

thank you very much. the computer haven got anetwork card but i will try
booting from an usb stick
whem a i getsome result i well tell you..

thank you an keep in touch

Benito IFSI wrote:
> Hi Federico
> There are some solutions depending on your situation :
> As said in another post booting from an usb stick is the simplest way ( if you are lucky and if your computer is not so old)
> If you have working network card (probably) you can use a (samba/nfs) share on your network
> There's many time i haven't use that but in case I can have a look for you
> If your network card is PXE enabled ( network booting ) you can maybe try that :
> Launch dynebolic on another computer and set it as network boot server ( unplug it from your lan before to avoid dhcp conflicts and plug it directly on the target computer )
> boot from network on your no-cd computer, when booted you can dock it on your hd and use your floppy to boot next time
> hope it help
>> Date: Tue, 31 Mar 2009 13:49:53 -0300
>> From: martinezjuanfederico@???
>> To: dynebolic@???; dynebolic-request@???
>> Subject: [dyne:bolic] how to install dyne:bolic on o PC were CD in unavailable | como iniciar dyne:bolic desde una pc sin CD-ROOM
>> Hi my name is Federico Martinez, and a i need some help. i reed manual
>> buts, i do not know ho to fix it.
>> here is my problem:
>> my Compaq Preario 1202LA have M$ and i want to change it for dyne:bolic
>> so i need more info how to:
>> - boot dyne:bolic from a floppy (i made the boot disk like explain on
>> /floppy in the CD and copy /dyne directory to the rot like c:\dyne [i
>> have only one hard disk, ms xp]), but noyhing happend and it said:
>> root (hd0,0)
>> filesystem type unlnow, partition type 0x7
>> kernel/dyne/linux root=/dev/ram0 rw max_loop=128
>> error 17: canot mout selected partition
>> IN
>> SPANISH-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Buenas, Mi nombre es Federico Martinez y necesito algo de ayuda por
>> favor. He leido los manuales, pero no logro enteder como hacerlo funcionar
>> aqui esta mi problema:
>> Mi Compaq Preario 1202LA tiene M$ y quiero cambiarlo por dyne:bolic
>> alguien podría explicarme como
>> - Iniciar dyne:bolic desde un disco 3 1/2? (hice el disco de incio como
>> se explica en la carpeta /floppy y he copiado el directorio /dyne en la
>> raíz de c:\dyne [tiene un solo disco duro con xp), pero no inicia, el
>> errro es el siguiente:
>> root (hd0,0)
>> filesystem type unlnow, partition type 0x7
>> kernel/dyne/linux root=/dev/ram0 rw max_loop=128
>> error 17: canot mout selected partition
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