:: Re: [dyne:bolic] starting with dyne
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Autor: Giftmischer
Fecha: 2008-11-02 13:00 -000
A: dynebolic mailinglist
Temas nuevos: [dyne:bolic] some new dyne modules
Asunto: Re: [dyne:bolic] starting with dyne

I. Create a dynebolic nest: right mouse click -> Configure -> Nest (Do
not nest on your debain partition! - But you might have a dock on your
debain partition.)

II. Reboot.

III. Create the file /etc/rc.local and open it with a text editor.
Now I assume that your debian system is installed in the 2nd partition
of your 1st hard disk and it is formated with the ext3 file system.
(You will get more information about the location of your desired
partition in /etc/mtab)

IV. Add the lines

umount /mnt/hd1/2 # umounts
mount -t ext3 -o ro /dev/hda2 /mnt/hd1/2 # remounts with ReadOnly option

in /etc/rc.local. For further mount information type "man mount" in a
console window.

V. Reboot and check.


Grammostola Rosea schrieb:
> Giftmischer wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> you CAN'T change the dynebolic /etc/fstab file. But a possible solution
>> is to create /modify your /etc/rc.local and add there some "mount"
>> commands to set your drives /partitions readonly.
> Could you give a clear and total example of this? For those who aren't
> very good in computers?
> I really want to avoid the possibilities for breaking my 'host'
> installation, when using Dynebolic (with the live cd and docking).
> Developers, please take this serious.
> Thanks,
>> Cheers,
>> Giftmischer
>> Juan Carrano schrieb:
>>>> I am worried to destroy my 'host' system (which is debian) when using
>>>> Dyne...
>>> Dyne mounts allpartitions read-write when possible.
>>> I dont know if editing the /etc/fstab file to make them write
>>> read-only would work
>>> or dyne would simply rewrite the file during boot.
>>> Maybe someone could change the dyne boot script so it looked into some sort
>>> of fstab included into the dyne.cfg file. Just a suggestion, maybe for
>>> a future release?
>> _______________________________________________
>> dyne:bolic GNU/Linux http://dynebolic.org
>> open wiki http://lab.dyne.org/DynebolicFaq
> _______________________________________________
> dyne:bolic GNU/Linux http://dynebolic.org
> open wiki http://lab.dyne.org/DynebolicFaq