:: [dyne:bolic] xlock + wgetpro
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Autor: Giftmischer
Data: 2008-05-21 14:06 -000
A: dynebolic
Assumpte: [dyne:bolic] xlock + wgetpro
Hi to all,

some time ago somebody has asked for a tool to lock the screen. I've
compiled xlockmore - get it from

You can start the X locker /screensaver via 'xlock'. To see the
available screensavers, type 'xglock' or 'xmlock'. I recommend you to
add a program launcher for the Xfce panel. Append your desired
screensaver via the 'mode' option -> 'xlock -mode penrose' looks nice.

With wgetpro are you able to get mms streams -> 'wgetpro mms//...'



btw: Does anybody have compiled Wesnoth 1.4.X succesfully for dynebolic?