hello list,
I remember that there was talk at one time about providing a mechanism
in dyne:bolic to install to hard disk without the assistance of
another operating system. I'm looking around, and I found this
information from jaromil:
starting from the next version, this operation is substituted with a
simple command: 'grubconfig' which will prompt you an installation
wizard for computers that have no operating system installed yet (and no
bootloader, indeed).
so do I sitll need to format a partition, dock the installation, etc.,
or does grubconfig do this for me? I'm assuming that I'll still need
to create the partition...this was all I could find from looking at
the script:
mkdir -p $TMP/mnt
mount -o sync $sel $TMP/mnt
grub-install --no-floppy --root-directory=$TMP/mnt $sel
# now let's guess how the device is called in grub.
# i approach the problem in a different way than conversion
rm -f $TMP/grubselect_choice
touch $TMP/mnt/00grubconfig # to be found by grub find
echo "find /00grubconfig\nquit" | grub --no-floppy --batch
1>$TMP/grubselect_choice 2>/dev/null
grubsel=`cat $TMP/grubselect_choice | awk '/^ \(/ {print $1}'`
rm -f $TMP/mnt/00grubconfig
notice "installing GRUB on device $grubsel"
cd $TMP/mnt/boot/grub
if [ -r menu.lst ]; then mv menu.lst backup.menu.lst; fi
cat <<EOF > menu.lst
Josh Lawrence