Autore: MrChillum Data: To: dynebolic Oggetto: [dyne:bolic] Help dynebolic mouse cursor
Hi all!
Respect fi di great work you're doing with dyne!
So i'm trying to learn something bout di system since i make djing sound
recording and similar things...
I found a strange problem since the first boot with dyne: i don't know
why my cursor mouse (even if it works and selects icons and so on...)
isn't visible on the screen. I even tryed to boot with the "linux nohid"
command (as explained with the f2 boot menu, but there were no changes...)
Hoping you can help i greet you all.
Salutoni a Jaromil!!! (Se ti ricordi sono MrChillum (anni fa El^Diablo),
ci siamo incontrati anche a pe il pomeriggio prima della festa di
i..ludiamoci al mattatoio. E andavamo insieme al circolo canottieri a pe
:D ) big big big respect!!!
Nuff love to di rasta people all ova di world!