:: Re: [dyne:bolic] dyne:bolic 2.5 DHO…
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Autor: vx
Para: dynebolic mailinglist
Assunto: Re: [dyne:bolic] dyne:bolic 2.5 DHORUBA is released!

great news!

thanks for this colective work that`s one of the greatest social tools
for reinforce the cultural autonomy.


jaromil wrote:
> annunciazio'! annunciazio'!
>                  dyne.org autoprod - proudly present:

>              8                        8             8  o
>              8                        8             8
>         .oPYo8 o    o odYo. .oPYo. 88 8oPYo. .oPYo. 8 o8 .oPYo.
>         8    8 8    8 8' `8 8oooo8    8    8 8    8 8  8 8    '
>         8    8 8    8 8   8 8.        8    8 8    8 8  8 8    .
>         `YooP' `YooP8 8   8 `Yooo' 88 `YooP' `YooP' 8  8 `YooP'
>         :.....::....8 ..::..:.....:..::.....::.....:..:..:.....:
>         :::::::::ooP'.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
>         :::::::::...::::::: version 2.5 :::: codename DHORUBA ::


>                      FOR THE FREEDOM OF CREATION

>         the complete system is free to download and copy, go on

>                  ____ _ http://dynebolic.org _ _____
>                  ___ __ http://dynebolic.org __ ____
>                  __ ___ http://dynebolic.org ___ ___
>                  _ ____ http://dynebolic.org ____ __

>                      ISO CD image of 692 Mbytes

>       use it besides any other operating system without problems

> :: DEDICATION :: this release is dedicated in memory of Joe Zawinull
> :: UPCOMING :: join us at the Hackmeeting 0x0A in Pisa 28-29-30 Sept'07
>                         ____  ___  __  _   _ http://www.hackmeeting.org

> Dyne:bolic GNU/Linux is a live bootable cd, containing a whole
> operating system that works straight from boot, without the need to
> install or change anything on the hard disk.
> If you like and want to have it on harddisk you can simply copy the
> /dyne directory on your computer: the simpliest installation ever! Your
> older system is untouched and comes back booting without CD.
> Dyne:bolic is user-friendly: recognizes your hardware devices (sound,
> video, firewire, modem, network and USB) and offers a vast range of
> software for multimedia production: audio and video manipulation, sound
> composition and synthesis, 3D modeling, photography, peer2peer
> filesharing, web browsing, veejaying, desktop publishing, word
> processing, cd burning, email, encryption, anonymity tools and more.
> All software is free and there is no market operation behind
> dyne:bolic, just a communal effort to widen access to modern technology
> and let people be Free to Create.
> Dyne:bolic is being developed since 6 years by independent and well
> skilled artisans optimizing it to run on computers commonly found in
> Africa America Asia Europe and Oceania. It includes code from hundreds
> of programmers all around the world, with a lively community of
> artists, teachers and developers who use, distribute and adapt this
> platform according to their needs and desires.
> This operating system is a grassroot effort to share independent
> knowledge, it keeps away from commercial speculations and capitalist
> corporations, because CREATIONS WANT TO BE FREE.
> :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: QUOTE OF THE DAY :::
> :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : : : : : : : : ::::
> Go ahead, capitalize the T on technology, deify it if it will make you
> feel less responsible -- but it puts you in with the neutered,
> brother, in with the eunuchs keeping the harem of our stolen Earth for
> the numb and joyless hardons of human sultans, human elite with no
> right at all to be where they are --"
> -- Thomas Pynchon, _Gravity's Rainbow_
> ::  _   _ _______        ______
> :: | \ | | ____\ \      / / ___|
> :: |  \| |  _|  \ \ /\ / /\___ \
> :: | |\  | |___  \ V  V /  ___) |
> :: |_| \_|_____|  \_/\_/  |____/

> === WHAT'S NEW in 2.5
> After 6 months of development this release stabilizes and updates the
> core system, also providing recent versions of most used software and
> some important new functionalities.
> New features: writable NTFS support (ntfs-3g) now lets you save data
> and nest also on WindlowsNT formatted partitions, firewire audio cards
> are now supported by Jack (Freebob). Nesting capability is made even
> more easy to operate as nests can be mounted without reboot: just
> stick your usb key and double click on a nest to have it mounted.
> New software: Ekiga, Guarddog and Wireshark plus all the GtkPython and
> WxPython libraries. Text console usage is enhanced by a fully
> functional mail setup with Mutt Msmtp Fetchmail Procmail and
> Spamassassin, the text based presentation tool TPP and the Rtorrent
> download client. A graphical desktop repair button and a mount utility
> for Ssh accounts are also provided.
> Updated software include Ardour2, Gimp, Audacity, FreeJ, Nicotine+,
> Pidgin, Ktorrent, Rox and toolkit libraries as Gtk, Cairo and Wx.
> Fixes include a better interface for wifi configuration, a desktop
> repair button, harddisk storage detection and yet more issues have
> been solved for an increasingly smooth usage.
> Also external modules are on the way to be updated and an EXTRAS 2nd
> CD will be soon released providing automatic installation of popular
> additional modules as OpenOffice, Devel, Java, Wine and kernel
> sources.
> As if all this wouldn't be enough, the dyne:bolic community is
> blossoming several specialized modules, developed by and for musicians
> and media artists ___  _ _
>                       ____  ___   _  _ http://lab.dyne.org/DyneModules

> === new dyne:II core features:
> - - it is a multiuser system, private data can be encrypted
> - - it includes all compiler and development tools needed to build dyne
> - - you can easily modify the system, pack a new CD and redistribute it
> - - it has advanced thin client functionality, booting from usb and net
> - - it's modular, so you can easily add and combine different software
> - - it's slick and snappy like the preceeding dyne:bolic, even better ;)
> === upgrading from version 2
> To upgrade just replace the dyne/ directory with the new one, or run
> the CD and answer yes when prompted.
> To upgrade your nest to encrypted the easieast way is
> - backup your home data on the harddisk outside the nest
> - create a new encrypted nest overwriting the old one
> - import manually your data into the new one
> === upgrading from version 1
> Upgrade from version 1, or not? here is an overview of reasons:
> Pro:
> - better usability and stability, support for more devices
> - possibility to run from usb and solid state devices
> - ability to run in thin-client setups
> - cryptographic protection for your privacy
> - gathers more software and can be customized easily
> Contra:
> - version 2 is not running on XBOX game consoles
> - version 2 does not include the OpenMosix clustering system
> ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: FOR ACTIVISM IN CRISIS AREAS
>                        ____ __ _  _ http://www.linux.com/articles/61665

> We imagine improvised expressive devices like a CD that turns your PC
> into an on line streaming studio. Imagine a mob that creates a traffic
> jam. Think of the religious policeman in London, the konfused kollege
> kid and the jealous dentist in Baghdad and the jailed blogger blogging
> on in Cairo. Building autonomous networks in extreme conditions.
> Streamtime uses old and new media for the production of content and
> networks in the fields of media, arts, culture and activism in crisis
> areas, like Iraq. Streamtime offers a diffuse environment for
> developing do-it-yourself media. We focus on a cultural sense of
> finding your own way in the quagmire that is Iraq, and its
> representation in the global media. We should not try to change
> politics in order to foster cultural change; we should support cultural
> manifestation in order to force political change.
>                                      ___ __  _  _ http://streamtime.org

> ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: AUTOMATIC CRYPTO AUTONOMISM :::
> A public presentation of our privacy protection mechanism was held at
> the Ars Electronica Symposium 2007 - here are the slides:
>                __ _  _ http://bricolabs.net/directions/goodbye_privacy

> People have the right to protect their privacy as much as their freedom
> to express.
> It is important to keep in mind that noone else than *you* can ensure
> the privacy of your personal data. Server hosted services and web
> integrated technologies gather all data into huge information pools
> that are made available to established economical and cultural regimes.
> Since version 2.4 dyne:bolic supports strong encryption of your /home
> private data with Linux dm-crypt i586 optimized Rijndael hashed SHA256,
> to provide an efficient and user-friendly tool to protect your
> bookmarks, addressbook, documents and emails by carrying them back with
> you, protected with a fairly strong cryptographic algorithm.
> A passkey to read your data is stored inside a file, which is also
> protected by a password. It is possible to keep everything with you on
> a small usb stick, still being sure that the data won't be easily
> recovered in case you loose it. You can also give the passkey
> protecting your data to a friend, to make the data unaccessible until
> you meet again, which can be useful in case of tricky transports.
>               read more on ___ __ _  _  http://tazebao.dyne.org/privacy

> ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: FOR THE GNU MEDIA ART
>                    _    _
>  _ __ _  _ _ _ ___(_)__| |_  _ _ _  ___
> | '_ \ || | '_/ -_)_/ _` | || | ' \/ -_)
> | .__/\_,_|_| \___(_)__,_|\_, |_||_\___|
> |_|                       |__/

> The Goto10 collective of artists tailored a unique piece of
> craftmanship, gathering together most hard to install bleeding-edge
> audio-visual open source software in their customization, free as in
> media on http://puredyne.goto10.org
> ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: THIS IS RASTA SOFTWARE
> Jah Rastafari Livity bless our Freedom! This is free software, share it
> for the good of yourself and your people, respect others and let them
> express, be free and let others be free. Live long and prosper in
> Peace!
> But, no Peace without Justice. This software is about Resistence inna
> Babylon world which tries to control more and more the way we
> communicate and share information and knowledge. This software is for
> all those who cannot afford to have the latest expensive hardware to
> speak out their words of consciousness and good will. This software has
> a full range of applications for production and not only consumption of
> information, it's a full multimedia studio, you don't need to buy
> anything to express yourself. Freedom and sharing of knowledge are
> solid principles for evolution and that's where this software comes
> from.
> Inna babylon, money is the main requirement to make a voice possible to
> be heard by others. Capitalist and fundamentalist governments all
> around the world rule with huge TV monopolies spreading their
> propaganda, silencing all criticism.
> This is a struggle for Redemption from existing operating systems which
> always require new expensive hardware for doing the same as ever: give
> us free players but make us pay for producing our own voices. And the
> one who protects you rips you off, as the Arabs say.
> Dyne:bolic is a tool to produce and publish yourself, freely. There is
> nothing to consume here, there is all you need to create.
>                                                 http://rastasoft.org

> === ROLL THE GEEK DRUMS - tell Slashdot about the dyne:II release
>                             http://slashdot.org/submit.pl
>  dyne:II development reached a sufficiently advanced stage of
>  development to be reviewed by the geek community worldwide.
>  We provide unique features as strong encryption, docking and nesting
>  still they haven't been acknowledged by the larger geek audience...

> :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: DEVELOPMENT HISTORY
> The dyne:II core has been compiled from scratch by Jaromil and Smilzo
> in 2005. During 2006 Jaromil completed a full rewrite of startup,
> nesting, docking, configuration and sdk scripts, aided by the
> experienced testing of Aymeric Antonios and Chun of Goto10.
> The new foundation of the dyne:II core opens up the development to more
> people, providing a modular packaging system for software collections
> and the possibility to customize the liveCD with your favourite
> applications. So it is born Pure:dyne, as the first dyne:II
> customization focusing on real time audio/video processing with pure
> data.
> visit the Developers Lounge -> http://dev.dynebolic.org
> === roadmap
> We salute and support all development done outside the capitalist
> empire, to produce and distribute low power and affordable computers.
> We look forward to support chinese dragons and simputers, solid state
> workstations and all kind of 100$ laptops. In fact, we are there
> already, the next step in this development will be adoption of a
> cross-platform build environment to cover all kinds of hardware around.
> :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: BIG UP \o/
> First of all salutes and great respect to the many developers who have
> written software included in dyne:bolic: a long list of names that is
> impossible to include here, you'll find information about them inside
> the CD and in the documentation of each software.
> Special thanks for this release go to Fruity, Andrea Mayr and Andrea
> Bertolasi for bug hunting and testing, to the squatters of Amsterdam
> for inspiration and good vibes.
> Dyne:II is being mantained by Jaromil with help and inspirations from:
> === Dyne.org / FreakNet  hackers  http://dyne.org   http://freaknet.org
>     Alpt,  Asbesto,  Kysucix,  Xant,  Newmark,  Nightolo,  DinDon,
>     Sandman,  Crash,  Godog, Voyager, Pallotron, Fredd, Kobaiashi,
>     Mr.Goil, Godog, Nelburg, Acme, Adam, Robert, Cjm, Cerin0

> === Goto10  http://www.goto10.org  http://puredyne.goto10.org
>     Aymeric, Marloes, Antonios, Chun

> === Metro Olografix   http://olografix.org
>     Neuro, Smilzo, Superattilius, Groucho/K6, SugoDiPesce,
>     Blended, Hunicus, Isazi

> === Netherlands Media Art Institute http://www.montevideo.nl/en
>     Montevideo / Time Based Arts

> === Radio Ondarossa 87.9FM Roma http://www.ondarossa.info
> === Streamtime crew http://streamtime.org
> === ASCII http://www.scii.nl and the robotic resistance crew
> === SERVUS:AT netz-kultur platform http://www.servus.at
> === the Xiph foundation http://www.xiph.org
> === Indymedia http://www.indymedia.org
> === BlagBlagBlag & Blasterisk http://www.blagblagblag.org/BLASTERISK
> And more... Ish, Kapel, Jagadeesh, Lawrence, Arun M., Melindo, the FSF
> India and the NID Ahmedabad, BEK.no, the Folk Festival in Louga
> (Senegal), the squatters of Amsterdam, Neural.it, Stomfi, Paul Davis,
> Abortigeno, Menglef, Maikel, Ivana, Gisle, Armin, Lambru, Chmod, Xaver,
> Jojo, Rino, Marko, Lupone, Kingdom of Piracy, Macchina, Giacomo Verde,
> Artificialia, the Italian Hackmeeting, WhatTheHack, Ecoteca, the Chaos
> League, MetaMute, Pippin, Jebba, Emillo, Adam...
>                                     .... and even more .....

> to all the many people sending good vibes, sharing ospitality,
> suggestions and helping organizing the things that keep all this alive:
>                                          hearful THANKS!

> :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: CONTRIBUTE
> ->>>> JOIN OUR MAILINGLIST: http://lists.dyne.org/dynebolic
> ->>>> CONTRIBUTE DOCUMENTATION: http://lab.dyne.org/DyneBolic (wiki)
> ->>>> BUG REPORT ONLINE INTERFACE: http://bugs.dyne.org
> Please consider that the dyne:bolic project is an independent effort
> relying on occasional support from non-profit, grant-making and
> business organizations willing to sustain development of free and
> opensource software like this.
> Dyne:bolic relies on support from individuals like you to preserve,
> protect and promote the freedom it gives to its users.
> Please show your appreciation with an act of generosity!
> If you use it then make a donation -> http://dyne.org/donate.php
> In case you are an organization, company or official institution,
> consider Dyne.org is a foundation and can provide you with official
> papers about donations, plus you can be mentioned and linked on the
> upcoming BIG THANKS page.
> We struggle to keep this effort independent, therefore the only income
> for this project is the community itself. thanks everyone!
> dyne:bolic GNU/Linux is copyleft (C)2001-2007 by Denis "Jaromil" Rojo
> Several redistributed software are copyrighted by the respective
> authors, it is documented in the accompanying manual of the
> distribution.
> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
> under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
> Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
> option) any later version.
> This  program  is  distributed  in the hope that it will be useful, but
> WITHOUT   ANY   WARRANTY;   without   even   the  implied  warranty  of
> General      Public      License      for      more      details.

> You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
> with  this  program;  if not, write to: Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
> 675      Mass      Ave,      Cambridge,     MA     02139,     USA.

> dyne.org is available to provide the source of the included binaries
> upon request, all the included software can be redistributed under the
> terms of the GNU GPL license and, in some cases, the X/BSD license.
> For more informations refer to the web pages on http://dynebolic.org

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