Autor: andrea bertolasi Datum: 2007-09-09 15:02 -000 To: dynebolic mailinglist Betreff: Re: [dyne:bolic] xampp module
On 9/9/07, T M <brahmanprince11@???> wrote: > i think i 'm doing something wrong with passwd command (suppose to be easy) please publish the output you get from passwd and maybe someone could help!
> yes i downloaded the , but i need a bigger nest cause it syas no space (i'll do it later) nest?
no, modules goes outside nest!
nest (look at the file dyne.nst) is in the /dyne/ directory, the
modules are in the /dyne/modules directory!
maybe you can't download the module because mozilla downloads it into
the "home" directory by default but you can change this: open
mozilla/firefox/bonecho, menu edit, preferences, main, always ask me
where to put files.