I am trying to use Dyne:bolic version 2.4.2.
I have docked it on my hard disk (NTFS) copying the directory Dyne.
I started the nest on a USB drive and the system created the nest.
But when I am going to reboot two events occur:
1. the CD tell me that Dyne bolic on my hard disk is not the same
version of the CD (???!!!!) and ask if I would like to upgrade the
system on my hard disk. I answer yes and it proceed.
2. the system find the nest and ask me if I would open it: here start
the problems. The XFCE start partially: I can see only a terminal
window and a graphical gray background with an icon "X" as cursor.
3. One application doesn't start: it's the simple cut-edit for VIDEO,
it starts but when I try to open a file it blocks . The ps -A
command show me that a child process lauched is terminated.
Thank you for all informatios you are going to a Dyne:bolic dummie as me.
Bologna - Italy