Hi all,
first of all many thanks to the crew who made dynebolic, it really *rocks*
It saved my (ooo)old K6-2 (400Mhz !!) from garbage dump and now I use it as
a multitrack hd recording box.
All was fine... except the screen resolution! I have an LCD panel that do
1280x1024... I've searched the web, but nothing for dynebolic.
So this is what I've done:
- dock + boot from HD (all as root)
cfdisk -> wipe all partitions, made ext3 (bootable) & swap partitions
mkswap /dev/hd(x)
swapon /dev/hd(x)
grub (-> grubconfig)
manually edited /boot/grub/menu.lst (and also /dyne/grub.conf, but I'm
not sure if this works)
root (hd0,0)
kernel /dyne/2618ck1d.krn root=/dev/ram0 rw load_ramdisk=1
max_loop=64 vga=795
-> changed: 2618ck1d.krn (the kernel image) + vga=795 (1280x1024@24bpp)
- as root after booting
xorgcfg -> here I've specified 'monitor that can do 1280x1024' (save of
course conf file)
- I get 1280x1024.
hope this helps,
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