Lähettäjä: andrea bertolasi Päiväys: Vastaanottaja: dynebolic mailinglist Aihe: Re: [dyne:bolic] how to pack your ramdisk and compile kernel your
On 12/8/06, jaromil <jaromil@???> wrote: > also, for people wanting to compile their own kernel modules i packed
> the kernel sources of dyne-2.3 in a .dyne module: kernel-src.dyne will
> provide all the kernel headers in place, ready to compile kernel
> modules, hopefully handy for nomadic kernel hackers :)
> http://ftp.dyne.org/dynebolic/modules/kernel-src.dyne
a pagina ca sta ciccannu nun c'e' cchiu o fossi ca fossi a luvanu do mezzu.