:: [dyne:bolic] saving alsa settings
Poista viesti
Lähettäjä: sean
Päiväys: 2006-07-28 16:38 -000
Vastaanottaja: dynebolic
Uudet otsikot: [dyne:bolic] firefox problem
Aihe: [dyne:bolic] saving alsa settings
I have Dyne2 docked on hd1/1. I also have a nest on hd1/2. I have
upgraded PERL through cpan, and that worked fine... but everytime I
reboot, Dynebolic forgets the ALSA configuration, and I have to set up
the soundcard and capture settings again. Dynebolic remembers the PERL
config fine, how can I get it to remember the ALSA mixer settings?
