:: Re: [dyne:bolic] Dyne2 net config p…
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著者: Dan Caseley
To: dynebolic mailinglist
題目: Re: [dyne:bolic] Dyne2 net config problem

Although it would be odd for this not to be picked up automatically, the
only numbers in your ifconfig that look like they *could* be causing a
problem is your MTU. Some ISP's, regardless of where in the world you
live, pick their own maximums. Some go for 1500, some 1498, 1492, 1490.
Try setting it to something like 1460 and see if that resolves your issue.
Can't remember quite how thats done with ifconfig. Been a while. If 'man
ifconfig' seems a little daunting, everything that anyone has ever known
is on google.

Hope this helps. If not, perhaps someone who knows Dyne a little more
intimately might be able to suggest some Dyne-specific issue that might
cause this.

Good luck.


> Hola Jaromil !
>     I got around to checking out Dyne2 and am impressed, except
> for accessing the internet.

>     I have a static cable account, and trying ifconfig as root after
> configuring the network gives me

> #ifconfig eth0
> eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:A0:CC:D9:E2:48
> inet adr: Bcast: Mask:
> RX packets:51536 errors:1 dropped:0, overruns:0, frame:0
> TX packets: 127 errors:1 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
> collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
> RX bytes: 316842 (3.0 Mb) Tx bytes: 9184 (8.9 Kb)
> Interrupt:11 Base address:0xa400
>     The thing I can't understand is that I had no problem with
> net access with Dynebolic1.1.1 - I rebooted it to figure out what I
> may have done differently but nothing came up.

>     I'd be grateful for any constructive advice.

>     Similarly, trying mutt gives me "POP host is not defined"
> and "No mailbox is open". I'm a daily Mutt/vi user and am unclear where
> Dyne2 mutt config files reside - the nest ?

>     That said, it is an impressive achievement, under
> often difficult conditions ...

> Cheers,
> Adam Bogacki,
> afb@???
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